I don’t know about you, but this has been a rainy and busy week for me. My week started off with a last minute call Sunday night from my friend, Nancy Lopez of delawarehispanic.com and WILM radio. I packed up my video camera early Monday morning and ended up at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Wilmington Amtrak Railroad Station. After much waiting and security checkpoints we were escorted to the press area and experienced more waiting. Finally the ceremony began. Mayor James Baker, Congressman Mike Castle, Senator Tom Carper, Senator Ted Kaufman, Governor Jack Markell and our new Vice President Joe Biden each took turns at the microphone. What a show! With a backdrop of the rain pouring down and leaking through the roof, it seemed apropos that renovation was beginning soon.
After I left I began to think about the adversity that our Vice President had experienced early in his career. With the tragedy of the loss of his wife and daughter and the task of continuing in Congress and raising his sons as a single dad, he had chosen to be a victor and not a victim. What a class act. Not only has he overcome all of the apparent obstacles in his life, he has ascended to the position of the second most powerful man in the world. Would a victim traverse this journey? Hardly. Only a person who has mastered his destiny and overcome obstacle after obstacle could have reached the final destination of accomplishing their goals. Joe Biden is a role model for all of us. He has demonstrated that being real and being who you are is the most important aspect of reaching your goals. Remember, God created you to be who you are. Who are we to question this? Our knowledge of life is limited at best, whereas God can see the whole picture.
This week I will begin focusing on a new series of articles involving being a victim or being a victor. I can already see the ruffled feathers that will result from my discussions. And I mean discussions. As always, I invite comments and criticisms. I believe that respectful debate is a great process to unveil the truth. Please engage in a dialogue with me for we all will get closer to a clearer definition of being a victim or being a victor. A victim is a person that succumbs to situations, events, people and circumstances. They don’t believe that they have any control of these things in their life. Stuff happens and they ask what Tony Robbins calls and endless loop question of “Why me?” A victor is a person who, no matter what befalls them, has an attitude of gratitude and accepts the challenge of turning things around. Stuff happens because our thoughts and emotions attract those circumstances. Being a victor is being a master of your thoughts and emotions.
I will begin examining various religions and belief systems and attempt to get at the core of their beliefs. By subjecting these beliefs to the critical eye of the truth microscope we can all make an informed decision as to their validity. Why am I doing this? Because I have a tremendous respect for the truths that are revealed in many religions; religions that have served their people with hope and support. I will expose any religion that is “made-up” and contributes to the victim mentality of their constituents. It is time for these belief-rape religions to be exposed. Why? Because any group of people that manipulate and take advantage of their constituency needs to be exposed. The most precious freedom we have is the freedom to worship and believe as we choose. When religious groups begin to control and manipulate our every action, they are beyond the charge that God has given them. I will begin my series with Scientology. My extensive research and some of my readers have given me a charge to expose this “made-up” religion. A “religion” that involves itself in every aspect of their constituents lives. I hope this forthcoming debate will answer the question if Scientology is truly a religion or a business. Let’s get to the truth!
For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at webproducer@hotmail.com or banksnet.com. Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.
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