Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sleight of Hand

In my previous article I stated that a wise person is one who has the power of discernment, proper judgment and discretion. I gave an example of both deductive and inductive logic and how they are used to test not only the truth of something, but the validity as well. In the deductive logic example, Sherlock Holmes concludes that a woman was recently in the room because of the burning cigarette with lipstick on it. But what if a gentleman recently lit a cigarette that previously had lipstick on it and set it there to fool Mr. Holmes? His conclusion would be true and valid, but his logic would be faulty because he did not test his conclusions. Advertisers know this and that is why they continue to sell products to the masses because they invent, re-introduce or re-evaluate a problem and then offer their product or service as a solution to that problem. Religions do the same. If it isn’t salvation, fear of being left out or simply, “I want more in my life”, it is all about getting something that you perceive you currently don’t have. The solution is offered in the best light possible and you either buy their wares or not.

In evaluating the truth and validity of a religion, we must use a critical eye. This begins by considering the source of the religion. Is it truly from God? Is it valid enough to provide common everyday solutions to my problems? Who founded this religion and why? What were their motivations in starting this religion? Was there a need or an apparent problem with their previous religion? By considering who founded a religion we can begin to see why the religion was formed and what its ultimate goals were. In our first example we are considering the founder of the Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. Many things, both good and bad have been said about this man. But let’s examine the man with a critical eye. Visit the Scientology website and view their version of his accomplishments. In subsequent articles we will examine his revelations in his book “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.” Many of the research and findings Mr. Hubbard revealed were true based on his observations, but were they valid? For some they were because they BELIEVED in his principles and conclusions. However, without belief in his principles their validity falters.

What was L. Ron Hubbard’s purpose in founding Scientology? In a previous article I stated how he once repeated and modified the Orwellian statement of “You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, start a religion. I was slammed with emails from Scientologists claiming that I needed to get my facts straight. My facts are straight. Witnesses heard Hubbard making this statement and he had also written it in a letter. Let’s look at the demeanor of Mr. Hubbard. When he spoke he did so with confidence. A knowing that is either based on a true revelation from God or just sheer arrogance. Again, I invite debate on this subject because the conclusions I will draw will be based on observation and not subjective malarkey.

In my previous article I mentioned I was taken aback by his pseudo-science and hypnosis of his followers. A magician performs tricks called the sleight of hand because he gets you to focus on one thing while he does another. You are minimally hypnotized (susceptible to suggestion with diminished peripheral awareness) by the magician who directs your awareness by the motions of his hands. After reading a great deal about Scientology it appears to me to have all the buzz words associated with the Law of Attraction but not the substance. You are attracted to the principles they suggest that they embody, but their ultimate goal is to rent a great deal of space in your head. Any organization that elevates their needs above their constituents is not out for the good of their people. More to come…

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

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