I don’t think so. If you have something of value to offer me, allow me to explore it myself. Please don’t tell me that my path to enlightenment is through you or you will be in for an earful. Even worse, don’t tell me that I have to take class after class and course after course to become “clear.” I surely won’t allow you to rent space in my head with all of your “techniques” and “practices” and then send me a bill. Get real! The universe and its laws are free for the giving and free for the receiving. Don’t taunt me with a certificate that basically brags to the world that I am clear. I don’t care how you package it; it’s still a bag of tricks to lighten my wallet.
Let’s take L. Ron Hubbard for example. A frustrated science fiction writer who was seeking a way to enrich his life, he wrote a masterpiece of fiction called Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. A year before I was born, L. Ron incorporated The Church of Scientology in New Jersey (1953). I don’t, and won’t claim to have firsthand knowledge of this man and his practices. All of my viewpoints on him are based on my research and interaction with Scientologists. Scientologists look at people as having forgotten their true, spiritual nature. In order for one to return to a recognition that we are spirits, one has to be audited. Perhaps by someone greater who already recognizes that he is a spirit in a body? Classes and courses to “recognize” this fact are available to their constituency by “donations” from the membership. Many other “religions” offer similar methods to learn “their way” to enlightenment.
If you have ever attended evangelical churches you would know that Bible Studies are frequent events the church provides and they never charge you for them. You are encouraged to tithe 10% of your gross income to obey the word of God, but you usually aren’t charged for studying the Bible. What does that tell you? Are they out to “save” your soul or empty you wallet? Scientology hits your wallet first and then goes after your soul. They especially love professionals like doctors, dentists, chiropractors or basically, any business that will utilize the “business practices” of L. Ron Hubbard. What are those business practices? Hubbard wrote the OEC (Organization Executive Course) as a way to make sure that his vision for the church and the businesses they controlled was clear; no pun intended. In the 80’s Hubbard created WISE, an organization controlled by Sea Org. In effect, Sea Org is the Gestapo wing of the Church of Scientology. Who watches the watchers? Sea Org does. Ask those who have tried to leave Scientology and the pressure they felt for leaving. After all, if you leave you will no longer be feeding the beast.
Many things have been written about Mr. Hubbard and his henchmen. There are tales of drug running, teenage slavery and basic mind control. The self-appointed “Commodore” accomplished many things in his life but his legacy of Scientology has been the most detrimental, in my opinion. As I said in a previous article; any organization that elevates their needs above their constituents is not out for the good of their people. When the survival and continuation of any church becomes more important than the needs of its constituency, something is drastically wrong. Does one run east chasing a sunset? As for Sea Org, the Scientology website makes the following statement: “The Sea Organization derives its name from its beginnings in 1967 when Mr. Hubbard, having retired from his position as Executive Director International, set to sea with a handful of veteran Scientologists to continue his research into the upper levels of spiritual awareness and ability.” In my opinion, the intensive training of a goon squad to keep its members in line. Can I prove this? Probably not. But most times Sherlock Holmes’ conclusion about the lady and the burning cigarette is dead on the money; no pun intended.
For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at webproducer@hotmail.com or banksnet.com. Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.
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