Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Are you a leader?

After my harrowing experience last Sunday, I have been taking it easy. I have been in a great deal of physical pain as a result of being bounced around in my car during the accident. I finally made the time to see the new Star Trek movie and reflected on all the years of being a Star Trek fan. I’ve always enjoyed the technology and future humanitarianism portrayed in the Star Trek franchise. After watching the movie I came to realize what I liked the most about the various shows in the startrekverse. It was the presence of leaders. People who dared to go beyond their perceived limitations. Beyond reason and beyond logic. When things seemed insurmountable, something welled up in the human spirit to go beyond the predominate perception of defeat.

What is a leader? The dictionary definition states: a person that guides in direction, course, action or opinion. A leader is a person who has mapped out different scenarios in his head and has projected an appropriate outcome for all concerned. Not just for himself; but all concerned. A leader guides others down a path that he has already perceived in his mind toward the outcome that he has projected. Perhaps we can better understand a leader by what a leader is not. One would think that a leader is not a follower. The definition of a follower is a person that follows another in regard to his or her ideas or belief. A follower is a disciple or adherent who models the behavior of the leader. It is also a person who imitates, copies, or makes a leader as a role model or ideal to follow. The precursor to becoming a leader is to be a good follower. A good follower recognizes the conclusions of the leader and accepts the conclusions that the leader draws. That’s why he follows him.

By setting a good example, a great leader inspires followers to dream big dreams, learn as much as they can about themselves and their world, step out in action and become the best that they can be. The costs involved with this are immeasurable. Yet, many “religious organizations” place a price on this knowledge and after you have committed the time and receive a certificate, you are deemed a leader. Wrong! A leader is born out of action moving in a negative direction and in response to this the leader takes the reins and guides the followers toward a beneficial solution for all. A phrase comes to mind; “The buck stops here.” There is no getting past a true leader because a true leader has mastered the art of being a great follower. What is the art of being a great follower? The ability to listen, reason, contemplate and take action by following a great leader. It is recognizing a chain of command that begins with an understanding that the leader has a mental lock on a desired outcome and his way is the best way for you to achieve your desired results.

The transition from a follower to a leader comes when those around you are in disarray, disjointed or totally confused about the correct path to take. A leader steps up to the plate and recognizes his responsibility to lead. He grabs the reins, takes command and LEADS! He forges ahead amidst all of the difficulties, perceptions of insurmountable obstacles and nay-sayers. Are you a leader? Are you a follower? Or are you so entrenched in mediocrity that you wallow in indecision and can’t even choose to be a leader or follower? It’s time to stop riding the fence. When you jump off the fence you might land in grass or a cow patty. That’s the chance you take. Nothing in life is guaranteed except the fact that if you stay on the fence, you’ll never know where you’ll land. Be a leader and take that leap!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A brush with death...

In this article I would like to get a little personal. This past Sunday I had a brush with death that was enlightening. Each time I get in my car I set my intention to drive safely and to avoid those who don’t. I had just completed a meeting in downtown Wilmington and my daughter called me from Paoli, PA. She needed a ride home to Newark after spending the weekend with her friend. I drove out to her friend’s home and picked her up. I had a nice chat with her friend’s parents who have a beautiful farm near Paoli. We started our drive home singing silly songs with each other as we often do.

We came to a stop light in Concordville, PA. on Route 202 just north of Route 1. We were laughing about some of the silly lyrics we had made up for a popular song when BAM!!!; we were hit from behind by a car traveling in excess of 45 miles an hour. The car lurched forward and after we struck the vehicle ahead of us the air bags deployed. We both had our seatbelts on yet my daughter soared over her airbag and struck the side of her head on the windshield. The smell of gunpowder from the airbags was choking and I noticed a fuel leak under the dashboard in the engine compartment. We were bounced around the vehicle due to the multiple collisions and were a bit dazed. The only thing that came to mind for me was to get my daughter out of the car. Her door was jammed so I got out and came around to help her out but she had gotten the door open by herself and we moved to the side of the road. I looked for the driver that had hit us, and someone came over and said they had driven off.

Just then a Mr. Mulch truck sped from the scene and several people thought that it was he who hit me. We later found out it was the driver of the Mr. Mulch truck who pursued the hit and run driver. His vehicle was too slow to catch him so he returned to the scene. I thanked him for his bravery and willingness to help. It was then that Pennsylvania State Trooper Greene arrived and found the license plate and bumper of the car that had fled, lodged into my rear bumper and called it in. Later another trooper found the car with open containers inside and figured that the driver had run off into the woods. The police dispatched the dogs to find him, but to no avail. A gentleman visiting from Ohio was there and advised me what to do. He was quite helpful and I thanked him for his humanitarianism. The fire department arrived and covered the fuel with a retardant as the paramedics checked out my daughter and me. A young fire fighter was exceptionally helpful to my daughter who was in shock and his bedside manner for his age was superior. I wanted to thank him again for his help but the ambulance arrived and we were taken to Riddle Memorial Hospital.

We arrived at the hospital and the emergency staff began checking us out. Dr. Kate stayed with me while I was in X-Ray to make sure my neck was immobilized. The nurses and technicians were friendly and had a great sense of humor. Later, Dr. Grossman came on shift and was very diligent in making sure my neck and back were not compromised. My brother in law and fiancé came up and brought my daughter and me home around 2 AM. On the ride home I kept replaying the scene of the accident in my mind and even though it happened very quickly, I could only see it in slow motion. I would like to offer my sincerest thanks to all of the people on the scene who helped. From the civilians, to the firefighters, to PA. State Trooper Greene, to the doctors and hospital staff; all of you were consummate professionals who did your jobs with awareness and caring. This is no doubt due to your personalities and the training you have received. You took a negative situation and turned into a positive one. The next day I sent thank you notes to all and my fiancé sent a letter to Pontiac for constructing such a safe car. The Bonneville was crushed in like an accordion in the rear and front, yet we survived. Our brush with death was terrifying and we lost our car, but our lives were spared.

Even though I set my intention for safety, we were struck by something that we never expected. Life is a process of handling unexpected occurrences and using your experiences from these occurrences to prepare you for unexpected bumps ahead. Remember, how you react to situations in life are how they affect you. My reaction to this negative experience is one of thanks. With the circumstances in this accident we could have been killed. Yet, we survived due to an awareness of safety and the help of kind and well trained people who jumped in and helped us. They didn’t say, “I don’t want to get involved.” They said “If there is an emergency, I’m going to help.” Again, I just want to say thanks to all of the heroes who step up to the plate and help those in need each and every day of their lives. Their reward is not in the paycheck they receive, it is the service they offer. May God bless all of you!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The pen is mightier than the sword

As we have witnessed in the previous article, complex concepts can be weaved into simple stories and made believable by the eloquence and contemplation of the author. Our history as human beings has been influenced more by the words of authors than it has by our ability to fight among ourselves. Actions are a result of psychological impressions we hold true. These impressions are either a result of what we have heard, seen or felt. According to Mr. Hubbard, traumatic experiences in our lives create negative “engrams” in our brains. These engrams are traces of memory that have been programmed into our brains as a result of painful occurrences and force us to react in a specific way. Engrams are below the surface of the conscious mind and we cannot normally access them (unless you pay Scientologists to show you how). He labels what is commonly referred to as the unconscious mind as the “reactive” mind. This part of our mind reacts to our thoughts or stored programs (traumatic events) and creates ailments both mental and physical. In Dianetics, Hubbard further claims that most ailments are psychosomatic; "What can it do? It can give a man arthritis, bursitis, asthma, allergies, sinusitis, coronary trouble, high blood pressure and so on, down the whole catalog of psychosomatic ills, adding a few more which were never specifically classified as psychosomatic, such as the common cold.”

On the surface this seems logical and it makes sense. In his writings, Mr. Hubbard speaks with authority and conviction and presents a convincing argument. It is believable. It resounds with truth, but is it valid? Remember, validity requires that we test and retest a concept and that similar results are yielded every time. Are Mr. Hubbard’s observations based on a 360 degree view? No! We live in a universe of polarity. Ask your local quantum physicist. They’ll tell you. We receive programming into engrams from not just negative traumatic events, but positive ones as well. Remember that special gift that someone gave you when you were a child? Do you remember how you felt? When you think of this event do you rehear the music or smell the smells again? Why does this occur? Your memory is a result of emotionalized events whether traumatic or joyful. Every thought in your mind is a result of chemical interactions in your brain. Whether you react or pro-act, it is a result of an emotionalized action that is either fight or flight. We are not separate from our environment. We are immersed in it and either react or pro-act to it. It is just not one-sided as Mr. Hubbard proposes.

Mr. Hubbard is correct in his statement above concerning the initiation of psychosomatic problems. What we think about we create. But only after many successive years of non-productive thinking and emotionalizing of negative reactions. Your immune system is chemically based just like your thoughts are. Year after year of generating chemicals that are not supportive of health don’t strengthen your immune system, they weaken it! We can turn our immune systems around by generating thoughts that are productive and life-giving; and we don’t need to pay an expert to show us how. By making the time everyday to relax and let go of the stresses of the outer world, we can jump start programming our brains for health and balance.

A good salesman identifies a problem to the prospect and then offers him the solution; for a price. A warrior attacks the enemy because he reacts to what he perceives the enemy has done to him. A wise man pro-acts by accepting the way things are, and using his brain to better his life. Words can be weapons more than physical things. They can give life or take it away. What are you reading? A murder-mystery novel, a self-help book, a cooking book? Whatever it may be recognize that the concepts presented can affect your brain when you emotionalize what you believe to be true. Don’t forget; always test the validity of what you believe. It is the only way to truly program your brain to create chemical interactions that are based on facts and not half-truths. Mr. Hubbard’s engram theory is a half-truth. It only takes negative results into account. His pen was mightier than the sword because Scientologists believed what he wrote and followed what he said as gospel truth. The statement “the blind leading the blind comes to mind.” His writings influenced many people even though his concepts were not completely tested for validity. All people must eventually come to the realization that a 360 degree viewpoint on life is necessary in order to observe facts, seek the truth and test validity.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Telling a great story

In order to weave a complex story into a relatable story that the masses will believe, you must understand how storytellers sell their wares. Successful songwriters and authors innately use this process to convince readers of their story’s truth and validity. L. Ron Hubbard was a master at this. In his book “Dianetics”, he weaves a masterpiece a half-truths and convincing arguments based on his believable storytelling.

Our history as human beings revolves around the ancient art of storytelling. We all have an innate ability to relay our observations to others through a synopsis of our experiences. Following is a standard outline that helps writers organize their thoughts in order to relay a story that people will remember. First, mapping out your observations graphically (like the brain works) and then logically inserting aspects of their story into the following outline, allows them to create a believable story. Writer's block occurs when they try to logically fit their ideas into the outline without allowing their brains to contemplate those ideas first. By thinking about as many aspects of their stories as possible before they begin to plug these aspects into the outline, allows them to view their stories from a 360 degree viewpoint. This outline is the same that is taught in speech and writing classes in colleges worldwide. Mr. Hubbard uses this in his writings and tells memorable stories in “Dianetics”!

I. Introduction- Grab the reader’s (listener’s) attention and give them a hint about what you are talking about.

A. Attention-Getter- A one sentence hook that grabs the reader’s (listener’s) attention to follow the story you are about to tell; e.g. “Have you ever wondered why people buy squiggly widgets?”

B. Preview- A one paragraph explanation of the topic you are going to cover with one sentence per aspect of the story (preferably raising questions that you will answer in the main body or discussion).

1. A question or sentence about the first aspect of your story.

2. A question or sentence about the second aspect of your story.

3. A question or sentence about the third aspect of your story.

4. A question or sentence about the fourth aspect of your story.

II. Discussion (Main Body) - This is where you expand on each aspect of your story; answer questions and raise new questions as well.

A. Main Point #1 (Aspect #1) - e.g. color of an object.

B. Main Point #2 (Aspect #2) - e.g. weight of an object.

C. Main Point #3 (Aspect #3) - e.g. size of an object.

D. Main Point #4 (Aspect #4) - e.g. longevity of an object.

III. Conclusion- This is where, after you’ve laid out your facts and raised critical questions, you culminate your thoughts and draw conclusions from all the aspects of your discussion (main body).

A. Review- Repeat each aspect in a sentence and draw your conclusion for each aspect. Delineate why you have reached these conclusions based on the facts you have presented.

B. Memorable Statement- As you have grabbed their attention in the beginning, you need to leave the reader (listener) with a reason to further investigate and understand the presentation you have made; e.g. “Squiggly widgets come in many shapes and sizes and you can pick and choose any one you want by looking in the right place. Where are you going to look?”

Telling a relatable and memorable story is easy when you contemplate your observations and allow your brain to flow with ideas. Trying to place ideas into a box (outline) too soon can constrict the flow of telling a great story. Mr. Hubbard was an observer, a thinker and a great storyteller! Remember, “Dianetics” is HIS view of the “facts” that he observed. Others adopted his views later and developed the Church of Scientology into what it is today; a juggernaut money-making machine that operates as a business under the moniker of a “religion.”

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Inane or Insane?

After further study of L. Ron, a question came to mind. Inane or insane? Yes, many things that Mr. Hubbard said seemed inane on the surface, but what motivated him to make some ridiculous claims? Was it just his ego? Was it the enormous amount of money that his carnival sideshow pulled in? Or was it something else. When his wife divorced him she revealed his diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, a mental disease characterized by delusions of grandeur. If you have ever entered a Scientology venue you see paintings, busts and sayings of the “great” L. Ron Hubbard. Again this reminds me of the magician who baits your attention with one hand to recognize his greatness, while the other hand is switching the truth to another location. A location where you are fooled by his claims while he empties your wallet. I am again reminded of a line from a song of one of my favorite songwriters, Kerry Livgren of Kansas. In his song “Carry On My Wayward Son”, one verse states, ”Masquerading as a man with a reason, my charade is the event of the season, and if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know.”

Ah, the old bait and switch routine. Claim to have something of value. Get people to come and buy your wares. Tell them it no longer is available, but you have something better. Just sign up and over the course of the next few years more and more will be revealed to you. It keeps you guessing and wanting more. In the meantime, as your wallet is emptied, you become more convinced that Scientology is the answer. Remember; don’t pay attention to the man behind the curtain. Just ignore “The Wizard of Oz”.

In a statement made by Judge Breckenridge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, the following is revealed: "[The court record is] replete with evidence [that Scientology] is nothing in reality but a vast enterprise to extract the maximum amount of money from its adepts by pseudo scientific theories... and to exercise a kind of blackmail against persons who do not wish to continue with their sect.... The organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid, and this bizarre combination seems to be a reflection of its founder, L. Ron Hubbard." In the article The Art of Deception - Part II by Arnie Lerma (1999), Mr. Lerma lays out a detailed argument against Scientology and Mr. Hubbard. You won’t find any punches pulled here. Mr. Lerma backs up what he argues with facts, sources and transcripts. Thank God for the Internet! Yes, it can be a cesspool at times, but if you know where to look and who to pay attention to, you can uncover the B.S. of companies and people.

I am NOT on a vendetta to get Scientology. I am seeking the TRUTH in what they have to offer. If you follow half-truths, then you will get half-baked results. If you believe that something works, then it will. That’s the Law of Attraction, not educational programming from an invented church. The Law of Attraction works whether you believe it or not. A reader responded to my first article for the Examiner entitled “The Law of Repulsion” with a one word comment; “Voodoo”. This shows his beliefs, values and mindset. Anyone who can reduce years of observation and conclusion into a tainted description based on his lack of research and lack of obtained knowledge has his own reward. Just like those who blindly follow the right hand while the left hand manipulates the object of their attention. Don’t be fooled by statues, fast hands and organized recipes. Trust in the good sense of observation, deduction and induction that God has given you.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Charge me to rent space in my head!

I don’t think so. If you have something of value to offer me, allow me to explore it myself. Please don’t tell me that my path to enlightenment is through you or you will be in for an earful. Even worse, don’t tell me that I have to take class after class and course after course to become “clear.” I surely won’t allow you to rent space in my head with all of your “techniques” and “practices” and then send me a bill. Get real! The universe and its laws are free for the giving and free for the receiving. Don’t taunt me with a certificate that basically brags to the world that I am clear. I don’t care how you package it; it’s still a bag of tricks to lighten my wallet.

Let’s take L. Ron Hubbard for example. A frustrated science fiction writer who was seeking a way to enrich his life, he wrote a masterpiece of fiction called Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. A year before I was born, L. Ron incorporated The Church of Scientology in New Jersey (1953). I don’t, and won’t claim to have firsthand knowledge of this man and his practices. All of my viewpoints on him are based on my research and interaction with Scientologists. Scientologists look at people as having forgotten their true, spiritual nature. In order for one to return to a recognition that we are spirits, one has to be audited. Perhaps by someone greater who already recognizes that he is a spirit in a body? Classes and courses to “recognize” this fact are available to their constituency by “donations” from the membership. Many other “religions” offer similar methods to learn “their way” to enlightenment.

If you have ever attended evangelical churches you would know that Bible Studies are frequent events the church provides and they never charge you for them. You are encouraged to tithe 10% of your gross income to obey the word of God, but you usually aren’t charged for studying the Bible. What does that tell you? Are they out to “save” your soul or empty you wallet? Scientology hits your wallet first and then goes after your soul. They especially love professionals like doctors, dentists, chiropractors or basically, any business that will utilize the “business practices” of L. Ron Hubbard. What are those business practices? Hubbard wrote the OEC (Organization Executive Course) as a way to make sure that his vision for the church and the businesses they controlled was clear; no pun intended. In the 80’s Hubbard created WISE, an organization controlled by Sea Org. In effect, Sea Org is the Gestapo wing of the Church of Scientology. Who watches the watchers? Sea Org does. Ask those who have tried to leave Scientology and the pressure they felt for leaving. After all, if you leave you will no longer be feeding the beast.

Many things have been written about Mr. Hubbard and his henchmen. There are tales of drug running, teenage slavery and basic mind control. The self-appointed “Commodore” accomplished many things in his life but his legacy of Scientology has been the most detrimental, in my opinion. As I said in a previous article; any organization that elevates their needs above their constituents is not out for the good of their people. When the survival and continuation of any church becomes more important than the needs of its constituency, something is drastically wrong. Does one run east chasing a sunset? As for Sea Org, the Scientology website makes the following statement: “The Sea Organization derives its name from its beginnings in 1967 when Mr. Hubbard, having retired from his position as Executive Director International, set to sea with a handful of veteran Scientologists to continue his research into the upper levels of spiritual awareness and ability.” In my opinion, the intensive training of a goon squad to keep its members in line. Can I prove this? Probably not. But most times Sherlock Holmes’ conclusion about the lady and the burning cigarette is dead on the money; no pun intended.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sleight of Hand

In my previous article I stated that a wise person is one who has the power of discernment, proper judgment and discretion. I gave an example of both deductive and inductive logic and how they are used to test not only the truth of something, but the validity as well. In the deductive logic example, Sherlock Holmes concludes that a woman was recently in the room because of the burning cigarette with lipstick on it. But what if a gentleman recently lit a cigarette that previously had lipstick on it and set it there to fool Mr. Holmes? His conclusion would be true and valid, but his logic would be faulty because he did not test his conclusions. Advertisers know this and that is why they continue to sell products to the masses because they invent, re-introduce or re-evaluate a problem and then offer their product or service as a solution to that problem. Religions do the same. If it isn’t salvation, fear of being left out or simply, “I want more in my life”, it is all about getting something that you perceive you currently don’t have. The solution is offered in the best light possible and you either buy their wares or not.

In evaluating the truth and validity of a religion, we must use a critical eye. This begins by considering the source of the religion. Is it truly from God? Is it valid enough to provide common everyday solutions to my problems? Who founded this religion and why? What were their motivations in starting this religion? Was there a need or an apparent problem with their previous religion? By considering who founded a religion we can begin to see why the religion was formed and what its ultimate goals were. In our first example we are considering the founder of the Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. Many things, both good and bad have been said about this man. But let’s examine the man with a critical eye. Visit the Scientology website and view their version of his accomplishments. In subsequent articles we will examine his revelations in his book “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.” Many of the research and findings Mr. Hubbard revealed were true based on his observations, but were they valid? For some they were because they BELIEVED in his principles and conclusions. However, without belief in his principles their validity falters.

What was L. Ron Hubbard’s purpose in founding Scientology? In a previous article I stated how he once repeated and modified the Orwellian statement of “You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, start a religion. I was slammed with emails from Scientologists claiming that I needed to get my facts straight. My facts are straight. Witnesses heard Hubbard making this statement and he had also written it in a letter. Let’s look at the demeanor of Mr. Hubbard. When he spoke he did so with confidence. A knowing that is either based on a true revelation from God or just sheer arrogance. Again, I invite debate on this subject because the conclusions I will draw will be based on observation and not subjective malarkey.

In my previous article I mentioned I was taken aback by his pseudo-science and hypnosis of his followers. A magician performs tricks called the sleight of hand because he gets you to focus on one thing while he does another. You are minimally hypnotized (susceptible to suggestion with diminished peripheral awareness) by the magician who directs your awareness by the motions of his hands. After reading a great deal about Scientology it appears to me to have all the buzz words associated with the Law of Attraction but not the substance. You are attracted to the principles they suggest that they embody, but their ultimate goal is to rent a great deal of space in your head. Any organization that elevates their needs above their constituents is not out for the good of their people. More to come…

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

The title of this article is a line by Edmund Burke in his intellectual attack against the French Revolution in 1790. It reflects an observational position that was addressed in a previous article I wrote on how the second rat gets the cheese. Sometimes things appear alright, but after careful inspection and just your gut feelings, things begin to become much clearer. What is a fool? A person who lacks common sense and judgment in evaluating events, situations or people. A fool pursues an opportunity based on the demands of his ego and not necessarily on what his feelings are telling him. He chooses to ignore his gut feelings and rushes in to stake his claim disregarding any thoughts about the consequences. Sometimes it works and most times it doesn’t. If you pursue an idea where angels fear to tread the implication is that you are taking a big risk. A wise person is one who has the power of discernment, proper judgment and discretion. He looks before he leaps, reflects on his experience or simply creates a reverie in his mind where he views the possible results of his actions. Then he makes an informed decision.

How many times does something in your life have to happen before you accept it as true? Once, twice, three times? It might be true but is it valid? Validity requires replication of something that is true time and time again. According to logic you can test the validity of something based on a syllogism. A syllogism is an argument in which the conclusion is supported by its premises. A premise is a proposition or statement made in order to draw a conclusion. In its simplest form deductive logic allows two general premises to deduce a specific conclusion. For example, in one of Sherlock Holmes’ cases he knew a lady was recently present in the room because there was a burning cigarette with lipstick on it when he arrived. Knowing that the cigarette burning indicated the recent presence of someone and that the lipstick indicated a woman, he deduced that she wasn’t far away.

Following is a deductive logic syllogism:

Premise #1: The sun is shining.

Premise # 2: It is warm.

Conclusion: It is warm because the sun is shining.

First, you observe the sun is shining. When you exit the shade you feel warmer. You re-enter the shade and you feel cooler. The obvious conclusion is that you feel warmer when you step into the sunlight. Therefore it is warm because the sun is shining. Is this true? Yes, based on your observation. Is it valid? Yes; validity requires that it produces a desired result. Each and every time you step out of the shade into the sunlight you get warmer. But this is this only half of your analysis. The second half requires you to test and re-test your conclusions to view their validity. You need to induce or establish results based on the facts. In its simplest form, inductive logic allows multiple specific premises to induce a general conclusion.

Following is an inductive logic syllogism:

Premise #1: Giraffe number 1 is silent.

Premise #2: Giraffe number 2 is silent.

Premise #3: Giraffe number 3 is silent.

Conclusion: All giraffes are silent.

Is this statement true? Yes. Is it valid? No! Why? Because you have only tested 3 giraffes! If there are 50,000 giraffes in the world and you only tested (sampled) 3 giraffes, your validity is weak at best. Now if you test 25,000 giraffes and they are all silent, then your conclusion is more valid than when you tested only 3 giraffes. There are many truths in life but are they valid? Only when these truths are subject to repeated tests and experimentation and arrive at similar results, then one can truly claim that these truths are valid. Science uses logic to test the facts. If they can be repeated under the same experimental circumstances and yield similar results each and every time, then they are truly valid.

What does this have to do with religions that control and manipulate their constituents? It is the basis on which we will analyze and reveal their validity based on their supposed truths. Yes, many people have found truths in religions like Scientology. But are they valid? My job as a Spirituality Examiner is to look at the facts under a microscope with a strong light source, good magnification and clear lenses. I invite all of my readers to submit comments on their experiences with Scientology. I would like to thank those who previously submitted a wealth of information both pro and con on the results obtained from Scientology. Let the debate begin!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Victor or Victim?

I don’t know about you, but this has been a rainy and busy week for me. My week started off with a last minute call Sunday night from my friend, Nancy Lopez of and WILM radio. I packed up my video camera early Monday morning and ended up at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Wilmington Amtrak Railroad Station. After much waiting and security checkpoints we were escorted to the press area and experienced more waiting. Finally the ceremony began. Mayor James Baker, Congressman Mike Castle, Senator Tom Carper, Senator Ted Kaufman, Governor Jack Markell and our new Vice President Joe Biden each took turns at the microphone. What a show! With a backdrop of the rain pouring down and leaking through the roof, it seemed apropos that renovation was beginning soon.

After I left I began to think about the adversity that our Vice President had experienced early in his career. With the tragedy of the loss of his wife and daughter and the task of continuing in Congress and raising his sons as a single dad, he had chosen to be a victor and not a victim. What a class act. Not only has he overcome all of the apparent obstacles in his life, he has ascended to the position of the second most powerful man in the world. Would a victim traverse this journey? Hardly. Only a person who has mastered his destiny and overcome obstacle after obstacle could have reached the final destination of accomplishing their goals. Joe Biden is a role model for all of us. He has demonstrated that being real and being who you are is the most important aspect of reaching your goals. Remember, God created you to be who you are. Who are we to question this? Our knowledge of life is limited at best, whereas God can see the whole picture.

This week I will begin focusing on a new series of articles involving being a victim or being a victor. I can already see the ruffled feathers that will result from my discussions. And I mean discussions. As always, I invite comments and criticisms. I believe that respectful debate is a great process to unveil the truth. Please engage in a dialogue with me for we all will get closer to a clearer definition of being a victim or being a victor. A victim is a person that succumbs to situations, events, people and circumstances. They don’t believe that they have any control of these things in their life. Stuff happens and they ask what Tony Robbins calls and endless loop question of “Why me?” A victor is a person who, no matter what befalls them, has an attitude of gratitude and accepts the challenge of turning things around. Stuff happens because our thoughts and emotions attract those circumstances. Being a victor is being a master of your thoughts and emotions.

I will begin examining various religions and belief systems and attempt to get at the core of their beliefs. By subjecting these beliefs to the critical eye of the truth microscope we can all make an informed decision as to their validity. Why am I doing this? Because I have a tremendous respect for the truths that are revealed in many religions; religions that have served their people with hope and support. I will expose any religion that is “made-up” and contributes to the victim mentality of their constituents. It is time for these belief-rape religions to be exposed. Why? Because any group of people that manipulate and take advantage of their constituency needs to be exposed. The most precious freedom we have is the freedom to worship and believe as we choose. When religious groups begin to control and manipulate our every action, they are beyond the charge that God has given them. I will begin my series with Scientology. My extensive research and some of my readers have given me a charge to expose this “made-up” religion. A “religion” that involves itself in every aspect of their constituents lives. I hope this forthcoming debate will answer the question if Scientology is truly a religion or a business. Let’s get to the truth!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Early Bird

Now that you have found your role models and their methods in life mastery, it’s time to take the ideas you have been fine tuning and begin to apply effective principles to manifest those ideas. Map out the methods that your role models have used that appeal to your sense of value and formulate a plan to implement your best idea. It doesn’t always pay to be first in something. It does pay to be observant and deliver the best quality product or service. Following is a quote that illustrates this thought:

"The early bird might get the worm, but the second rat gets the cheese." Unknown Author

On the surface this quote is obvious. The first rat goes after the cheese and gets killed by the trap. Since the trap is already sprung and imposes no threat, the second rat walks up and gets the cheese. The second rat isn't aware of the threat of the trap, but simply gains his bounty by being at the right place at the right time.

This idea carries much wisdom. It is better to look before you leap. If you have a great idea, don't assume that because you have it that it is original only to you. Others might have the same idea but don't possess the resources to implement that idea. Before you put your idea into action, research who else might be using the same idea. Observe how they are doing it and think about how you might do it better, differently or with a twist.

Look around your environment. Just because the cheese is there, don't assume it is safe to snag it. There might be some hidden traps that you can't see. Go to some internet chat rooms and forums and search for others that might have similar ideas. Read the threads and see if there are some things about your idea that you haven't considered. Research and observe before you act. Become the second rat through research and observation. Learn the pitfalls and snags that might surround making your idea a success. Others might jump in before you, but the hammer will come down on them and not you. It doesn't always pay to be first, but it always pays to be observant.

As with any trap, it only works depending on the approach. If the first rat had simply approached the trap from the other side and tripped the rap without being in it, it wouldn't have paid the price. Make sure your approach is based on 360 degree observation. Put out feelers about your idea without revealing it. Again, go to the chat rooms and forums and ask questions about the need you are trying to fill. This way you will spring the trap without you being in it.

You need a plan to bring your idea to fruition on the road to success. Use the ROAD acronym. Research, Observe, Act, and Deliver. If you use this method with every good idea that comes to you, you will be one step ahead of the first rat. Get the cheese without the hammer coming down on you! Following are some basic steps to actualize your idea:

What to do with your great idea...
1. Write it down.
2. Play around with it by placing it in several different scenarios in your mind.
3. Look at it from every conceivable angle.
4. Research the need for the idea.
5. Observe the reactions to the need.
6. Act upon your idea by making a plan and sticking to it.
7. Deliver the idea after you have thoroughly protected your idea.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Friday, May 1, 2009

What's in it for me?

The more I observe my immediate world and view network corporate news the more I see an underlying theme. What’s in it for me? While this is a valid question, it shows more about the person asking it than it is able to give an answer to that person. As was said in an episode of “Kung Fu” I once saw, “Seek not the answer, but seek to understand the question” seems to apply here. If you understand why you are asking the question, it will reveal what your values are. If you are only concerned about yourself, your ego is in command. Remember, ego is Edging God Out. If you look at life from a God-like perspective, you take others into account. You temper your actions based on what is good for others as well as yourself. As Spock from Star Trek once said, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few; or the one.”

Asking yourself the right questions of is of prime importance. Look at what currently exists in your life and ask, “Is this all there is?” Is this what I truly want? What can I do to make the life that I deeply desire? Ask the right questions. Socrates answered questions with questions. It is known in philosophy as the Socratic Dialectic. Students would approach him with well thought out questions expecting sage answers and were posed even deeper questions by Socrates. Socrates knew that in order to get to the root of the question, one has to dig deeper. The only way to dig deeper is to keep asking quality questions. Do you ask yourself quality questions? Do you ask yourself any questions at all? If you don’t, then you are on the path to mediocrity. Mediocrity is the state where you are barely adequate, or we could say inferior. There is on old saying, “How can a fool make another wise.” If you are operating from an inferior state of being, how can you hope to get to a superior state of being without questioning the results you now experience? Asking yourself quality questions is the doorway to a better life for you and those around you.

We are not islands. We are social animals that need interaction, growth and a sense of accomplishment. Without these superior qualities we will stagnate, get depressed, and suffer inaction. What is it that you could do differently right now that could make a major positive change in your life? Are you willing to do this in order to traverse the pathway from inferiority to superiority? As the saying goes, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” What steps are you choosing? Are you on a pathway toward the light or away from the light? It is so easy for all of us to slip into mediocrity. It takes the willingness to become a better person in order to ask the tough questions.

And what about change? Do we really march toward change? Most people don’t really change. They rearrange people, places and things in their lives to accommodate their values. True change requires a mindset of truth. Being honest with yourself and knowing yourself is the first step toward true change. If your environment doesn’t reflect the state you desire to be in then you need to pro-act true change! How do you do this? By asking the hard questions you reveal your true values. Once you arrive at a knowing of your true values, acting on behalf of those values becomes much easier. Find a coach, get motivational CD’s, or seek out biographies on role models. See what they had to do to actualize their potential. The pathway is much easier to travel when you know where you are going. Have a great trip!!!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.