Thursday, April 16, 2009

Needs, Wants, Desires and Expectations

Once you analyze what your values are, you need to accept where you are right now to make an effective change for the better in your life. I have mentioned many times how the practice of prayer meditation and service gives you a way of exercising the Law of Attraction. Prayer is an exercise in focusing upon what you want. Wants are issues, events, situations, people or things you feel you require to feel better about yourself in your current environment. They are not needs. Needs are necessities that you require in order to continue to survive. You need air, water and food to survive.

The chain of emotional requirements is as follows: Needs, Wants, Desires and Expectations. Needs are fixed requirements while wants are somewhat transitory. They arise from an emotional state of not being satisfied. When your wants are focused and reoccur almost every day they move into the realm of desires. A desire is a craving or longing for something you consistently want. Desire literally means, “Of the Father.” It is the uniqueness that God has given you as His creation. If you ignore your deep down desires of expression, then you are in effect proclaiming to the universe that you don’t trust what God has given you. I for one don’t want to tell the creator of this vast universe He didn’t know what He was doing when He created me. When we seek our desires and accomplish them consistently, we then move into the realm of expectation.

When your prayers reach the level of expectation and faith that God will bless you with what you seek, you need to let go of how you will get it. The universe is God’s big clock that operates beyond the timing and control that you have in your environment. Be concerned about focusing on what you expect and not on how you will get it. You must let go of the processes of how it will arrive and allow it to arrive. Meditation helps you with this by giving you and environment of relaxation where you can hear God’s still small voice guiding you as to how issues, events, situations, people and things will come to you.

In order to receive, you must first give. Giving of your talents and abilities in a positive way aligns yourself with the universe in such a way that blessings and bounty will be geared toward you. Your service to the universe primes the pump for blessings to abound. But you must be willing to receive. Are you a Giver? Are you a Receiver? In order for blessings to flow you must know when to be both. Have a good positive self image and be willing to receive what others give you. Don’t block the blessings they will receive from the act of giving. Let go of any foolish pride about receiving blessings and you unclog the drain of the flow of blessings to you from the universe. Always expect the best results for everyone and everything in the universe. Don’t settle for mediocrity!

Prayer is giving an expectation to the universe. Meditation is allowing the universe to guide you to make the correct steps. Service is receiving the blessings from the universe by acting in an appropriate way to bring about the blessings you seek. This is a process by which you can attain your deepest goals and desires of your heart. Quit complaining about what you don’t’ have and give thanks for what you do have. You have the ability, the awareness, the knowledge and the wisdom to make your life all that you expect it to be. Release all of the limitations that family, friends, school, business and government has told you that you have to embrace. Embrace how the universe works and it will work for you and not against you.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or

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