Saturday, August 29, 2009

Keith Wimer: Right Wing Whiner

As a result of my recent article on Glenn Beck, I have received many comments from yahoos and right wing nuts who think that I am not logical. People who don’t know how to think; they just emotionally react. I have stated my respect for Mr. Wimer to those who defend him. And yes, I did respect him until I read his article on Ted Kennedy. Mr. Wimer stated, “Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy has died. Sincere condolences to his loved ones. God have mercy on his soul. May the Almighty be infinitely more attentive to Mr. Kennedy's eternal condition than Mr. Kennedy appears to have been to lovely, bright-eyed, blonde-haired, 28 year old Mary Jo Kopechne whom he left behind to drown in the car he had driven off an unlit bridge on the night of July 18, 1969, in Chappaquiddick, MA. Kennedy, and this (i.e. special treatment) is a fairly common tale amongst the fabled "Camelot" clan, was given a mockery of a sentence (2 months in prison - suspended, a year’s probation and a 6 month loss of driving privileges) by a Massachusetts "kangaroo court" for "leaving the scene of an accident".

Who died and left you judge, Mr. Wimer? What would your daughter think of you if she knew you made statements and claims about anyone without being there? Were you there at that bridge or in the water? How do you know if Ted Kennedy didn’t try to save her? Did God let you in on some special knowledge that the rest of us don’t know? You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Well, just like your yahoo readers, your true essence has come forth. Whatever respect I had for you is totally lost. I sure hope the readers can see who you truly are. A proponent of misinformation, fear mongering and hate.

Then, in the next paragraph Mr. Wimer displays the picture of one of the greatest haters of all time; Bill O’Reilly. Why don’t you say what Mr. O’Reilly said in his famous YouTube speech now that you have been caught in your spreading of hate? People like you and your constituents continually spread misinformation because you can. Thanks to Liberalism and not Fascism. You reinforce your skewed beliefs and don’t seek the truth. You tipped your hand, Mr. Wimer. Your assessment definitely misses the WWJD test. Jesus taught love and respect for others. The spreading of misinformation, fear mongering and hate IS lunacy and is NOT what Jesus would do. Mr. Wimer states, “Every true Christian, this one included, hopes this is so and again, the sincere and heartfelt sentiment here is that God will be merciful to Mr. Kennedy.” Your supposition of what happened in the water under that bridge shows your personal belief in your superiority in KNOWING what truly happened. How dare you! Take yourself down from your high horse and be thankful for all that God has given you and stop judging others.

Step up to the plate Mr. Wimer and teach the truth. Show people you truly have character and admit that you weren’t there at that bridge. Admit that you truly don’t know what happened. Then, and only then, will your credibility be re-established. Start to teach your viewpoint without acting like you have some special knowledge that God has dispensed on you. Your arrogance is only tempered by your humility. I will continue to read your posts because I believe down deep inside you are a truth seeker. However, if you don’t start to humble yourself when it comes to things beyond your purview, then you will reap the rewards of your actions. May God bless you, Mr. Wimer. I hope that you will see the error of your ways as you have stated in your article, Ted Kennedy: death of the Liberal Lion.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Glenn Beck: the fusion of fear mongering and lunacy

Got your attention, did I? Well, I won’t let you down. Keith Wimer, former Eschatology Examiner and now current Religion and Politics Examiner has recently had a series of articles on Glenn Beck, erroneously portraying him as the school yard nerd who is getting beaten up by the big boys. I commented on Mr. Wimer’s article by saying, “Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows him? This was not an attack, but a question. I want to congratulate Mr. Wimer on his recent success with the Examiner. But at what cost? First, the switch from Eschatology to Religion and Politics because his writings have drawn out the Religious Right contingency and given them a basis for their immoral turpitude on the true teaching of the Bible. It’s understandable when you believe in the eschatological horsecrap based on the psychotic induced visions, or should we say delusions, of St. John The Beloved. John is the supposed author of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. But did Christ truly reveal this allegory to John? Christ taught love and forgiveness. Revelation teaches FEAR! You decide. One of my commenters, Father Jacob, insists on the Bible as the complete Word of God. Father Jacob, why don’t you comment on how the Catholic Church canonized Revelation? Please, let’s seek and speak the truth!

I for one will continue to challenge readers on their beliefs. Where did they come from? How can you know for sure that what you believe is sound? Oh right, the Protestant and Catholic doctrines of sola fide and sola sciptura. Tools for fear mongering preachers like Mr. Beck who day after day sells his soul at the altar of TV ratings. What is fear mongering? It is uses fear through repetition. Keep saying a lie over and over again and eventually people will believe it’s the truth. What is lunacy? Its meaning is insanity and it is classified as a mental disorder. It is sometimes referred to as intermittent insanity and was formerly believed to be related to phases of the moon. Insanity is repeatedly doing something over and over again the same way and expecting different results. One might ask, “How can someone lie repeatedly and still sleep at night?” It’s simple; if they believe they are in the right they simply don’t know any better. Any challenges to their beliefs are summarily dismissed. We are all products of our environment and products of heredity. The truth only lies in the complete investigation of the origins of our beliefs. Something Mr. Beck doesn’t seem to understand because he touts his delusions every night with reckless abandon. Take the FEMA camp at the military base incident. If that lady would have caused any harm to anyone, Mr. Beck would have been just as guilty as she for inciting her with his lies. Who is more foolish? The fool, or the fool that follows him? Beck describes his program as "the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.” I describe it as “the fusion of fear mongering and lunacy.” Remember, Glenn Beck, like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly are entertainers; NOT experts. More like big mouths that spew diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of ideas.

Back to Mr. Wimer. His audience seems to be a mix mosh of good ole boys, yahoos, BACF’s, in-breds and generally those with an eye for sensationalism. Like Keith Olbermann said last night on his program, “Why don’t you just get a hood?” If the shoe fits wear it pal! I challenge each and every one of his readers to NOT read my column because they might learn something that would undermine the basis of their whole existence; it’s called the TRUTH! Go ahead, Jim Bob, make your comments and further cement your lack of awareness by even entertaining anything coming out of Glenn Beck’s mouth. Glenn Beck teaches fear from his basis of lunacy. Like Olbermann says, “A Don’t Tread on Me Paranoia.” Ready to attack? Then listen. I was raised a Republican. I became a Libertarian. I don’t believe in big government but I believe that if government illegally collects a wage tax from you they can at least provide medical coverage for you and your family. Right wing nuts can call it socialism, but it works. Isn’t that better than UIC’s CEO collecting 750 million dollars off the sweat of your brow? Argue with that one, Jim Bob. Have I got more? Like the right wing nut job and pageant wanna-be says, “you betcha!”

All we have is now. What we thought and believed in the past has made the circumstances you are living now. What you think and believe about now makes the circumstances of your future. One such example is Ted Kennedy. He stayed focused on basic human rights and believed that he could help create a world where we could talk and not kill each other if we disagree. Republicans having been trying to paint Ted Kennedy’s contributions as bi-partisan and conciliatory. Yes, he reached across the aisle, but he embraced the principles of liberalism and to walk a mile in the other guy’s shoes. He did it because he believed in the democratic process. He fought for the average American even though right wing nut jobs took the life of his brothers Jack and Bobby. He believed in the goodness of people. So did Jesus. Did Jesus pick up a stone and stone the adulteress? Did he grab Peter’s sword and finish the job on the Roman? No; he expressed understanding and love. Something that Glenn Beck has NO concept of; you can tell a great deal about the person by the fruits that they bear. Jesus cursed the fig tree when it didn’t bring forth fruit. Corporations, the very thing that Glenn Beck supports and vilifies, have backed out of supporting him. To date, 46 corporate advertisers have said, “we don’t want guilt by association.” Doesn’t that tell you something, Jim Bob? I have prepared a response to Mr. Wimer’s 3 articles on Mr. Beck and they will be forthcoming. I challenge him to tell the truth about Mr. Beck and stop perpetrating the spin on Glenn Beck’s statements, policies and behaviors. Let the battle begin!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Making the positive outshine the negative

Recently, a good friend of mine celebrated his 77th birthday. Pastor Dr. Benjamin “Twin B.“ Brown celebrated another year just after the loss of his beloved mother in August. I have observed this man for many years and have just recently, this year, come to know him as an associate and a friend. His track record of community involvement speaks for itself. For 65 years he has served the Wilmington community. 55 of those years were in broadcasting, 45 years were preaching the gospel and 35 years of teaching our youth the principles of video production in his video production workshops. Over the course of his career he offered assistance to many people and families in this area, receiving over 51 awards for his meritorious service. For 41 years he has offered special services for shut-ins, seniors and the needy. He has received 3 honorary Doctor of Degrees after 45 years as an ordained gospel minister. Pastor Brown was the originator of leased access TV programming now on Comcast Cable Channel 28. His hallmark shows have been the Sunday morning Spiritual Revival Hour (8 AM to 11 AM every Sunday) and Reaching for the Stars Talent Showcase.

Pastor Brown is an extraordinary man. He has had challenges with the cable companies, government bureaucrats, school officials and government agencies for most of his career. His desire and dedication to the youth of our community is unparalleled. His major challenge over the past few years has been to get the City of Wilmington to get Comcast and the school districts to follow through with their contract and commitment to actualize PEG. PEG stands for Public, Education and Government access for the community. So far, Channel 22 in Wilmington broadcasts government related programs to the city. Most of the local school districts have the capability at some schools to broadcast educational programming. Recently, the City of Wilmington has agreed to broadcast educational programming on Channel 22 (however, Comcast has to provide a separate channel for this purpose).

When I was in high school, Rollins cable allowed our video facility at Newark High School to broadcast entertainment and educational programs to the cable franchise territory. Since then, the interest and commitment level hasn’t been fully utilized. Also, public access hasn’t been fulfilled by Comcast. Public access is free programming on a separate channel than leased access (pay to play). Currently, only 2 channels have been utilized and Comcast’s contract is supposed to have 4 channels. Through the efforts of Pastor Brown and LAPA (Leased Access Producers Association), many of these issues and requirements for Comcast have been addressed over the years. However, they have fallen on deaf ears. The school districts, the public and government officials as well as Comcast have done as little as possible to offer quality educational programs to the community.

In an age of information overload, many of our young don’t have the opportunity to experience true peace and community involvement. They are distracted by video games, mindless television and non-participatory parenting. Pastor Brown has offered his free workshops to teach these children the skills of video production and the skills of life mastery. Many of his students have gone on to careers in film, television and radio. His instructional legacy has had a positive impact on many young lives. What can we do to help? Visit Pastor Brown’s website for the Community Communications Corporation (a non-profit organization). View the history and programming he has to offer the community. Join him in his challenge to train our young with the values of education and community involvement. Donate your time, your talents, or your money. Invest in our youth and help a true hero. Pastor Brown is a role model for persistence and determination, which alone are omnipotent!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Making strides

Thursday morning my fiancé and I were invited to a breakfast at the Chase Center in Wilmington by our friend, Sue Davis. Sue, an insurance agent, is actively involved in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Campaign for the American Cancer Society. Recently, my fiancé’s sister developed breast cancer, underwent surgery and is now being treated with chemotherapy. My fiancé has been with her sister at the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center at Christiana Hospital during her treatments, and has told me about the dedication and care that her sister has received. Speakers at the breakfast detailed their campaign against breast cancer scheduled for October 18, 2009 at Rodney Square. The event features a 2.5 mile Walk and a 5K Run. Information about the event can be viewed at You can call 302.324.4227 or email them at for more info.

As the morning progressed, sponsors, research scientists and cancer survivors told their stories about their collective efforts to stop breast cancer. It was inspiring and wonderful to see people uplifting each other and others who have been diagnosed with this disease. From medical personnel, to volunteers, to organizers and sponsors, all of these people are reaching beyond themselves to make things better for those who have to daily deal with cancer. When such a physical impairment has entered someone’s life, a recognition or re-awakening of a spiritual perspective sometimes emerges. Becoming a part of a support system helps those who suffer from this impairment to reconnect with people on a spiritual level. A knowingness develops and the person’s perspective increases.

All of us have to daily deal with problems and situations. In order to make significant strides in a positive direction, one must come to terms with themselves and understand their motivations. What is it, specifically, that drives us to our goals? Is it your ego or will power? That will only get you so far. Is it your emotions or passions? That will only keep you going when times seem to get rough. Or is it a sense of meaning? A purpose? What drives us to our goals is the desire to achieve. Desire means of the Father. But is it that thatbrings your goals to fruition? The only thing that allows you to accomplish your goals is for you to expect them to happen. Those who survive cancer are those who expect to live. The doctor’s job is to fix the functioning of your body; the patient’s job is to fix the functioning of their mind. Removing any doubts and negative thinking as well as laughing frequently helps the body to heal. Your being is a psycho-physical unit; your mind affects the body just as the body affects the mind.

When you expect to accomplish your goals it programs your subconscious mind to reach an end result. By focusing on the great feelings you receive from accomplishing your goals you are commanding your subconscious mind to fulfill that picture. Watch the best outside shooters in basketball. They shoot for the basket and look away with confidence that they made it. As Tony Robbins says, they reach that state where they have no doubt. This doesn’t mean that they make that basket every time; it means that their desire gets them to that peak state within themselves and the expectation of the end result creates a mission in their mind. It allows the mind and the body to function in sync. Health is a natural state when the mind and body are in sync. Dis-ease occurs when the mind and body are out of sync. How many sick people in general do you see laughing? Not many. How many happy people have you seen depressed? The repeated pattern of emotions in your body creates a state of health or disease.

What are your repeated and practiced emotions? Anger? Depression? Then change your state. Think of a time in your life when you were happy. Embrace that feeling and repeat that emotion each and every day. The body will begin to accept that peak state and it will aid in the healing of the body. Patients and doctors must work together to achieve healing. Only when both expect the best results can true and complete healing occur. What can you do to help? Volunteer to help a patient by reading, talking or just sitting with them. Sponsor a patient and join the walk. Make strides Against Breast Cancer. Give of yourself to another human being who is less healthy than you. Show them that we are into achieving this goal together. Spread happiness and life!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Spiritual agendas

Over the past few weeks our country has been in a gridlock over healthcare reform. The loudest reactions to health care reform have been those who don’t want it. Why do you think that is? And, what does this have to do with spirituality? Plenty. Your being is a psycho-physical unit that is programmed to survive, and ultimately thrive. If not, we would not be here as the human race. An agenda is a list of things to be done; done in order to either maintain or grow a current situation. When things don’t proceed in an effective manner, and either stagnation or regression appears imminent, then a methodical outlined approach of how to manifest inspiration leads to an agenda. Not everyone will agree on what is termed political agendas, but they sometimes will get even angrier when discussing spiritual agendas.

A political agenda is a set of policies or issues addressed or pursued by an individual or a group. In order to understand why those policies are on their agenda, one must understand their motivations. For example, why such fights recently about health care? Let’s examine their motivations. On the surface the proponents of no plan say that government run health would be disastrous; look at Medicare. Please, let’s look. Medicare operates with a 4% overhead while insurance companies hauled in $230 billion dollars in profit last year. They cry socialism yet Medicare works! Hmmm. I smell a rat. Yes, about every 10 years Medicare gets into trouble because of rising health care costs, yet it still manages to provide quality payment of health care services; it does not provide health care services. Medicare IS a government run program. Insurance companies provide payment of health care services; they do not provide health care services. There is a difference! When a political agenda focuses primarily on the profits of companies instead of the health and welfare of individuals, there is bound to be acrimony over anything that threatens that position. What value do the insurance companies provide to us for the billions in profit they generate? Have they re-invested into our health care system? Remember, in business the bottom line rules and it is their God!

A spiritual agenda is a set of policies adopted by a religious group or an individual. For example, the Catholic Church has a defined set of rules that were adopted alongside their understanding of the Bible that their church adheres to; this becomes the guideline for their spiritual agenda. The Protestants as well have their agenda, even though they disagree with the Catholics on many issues. Other religions adopt agendas based on the needs of their constituents and desire for growth. Due to the firm beliefs of some Muslims, Christians have lived in fear of their religion by lashing out anyone who is part of the Muslim religion. There are radicals in every religion. Take Blackwater’s “Christian” agenda for example. Then there are those who outside of the mainstream religions who simply want to live their lives in peace without sets of rules and agendas in order to become the best that they can be. But, according to some, there are going to hell unless they take it upon themselves to help save their soul. What audacity!

Most Christians today operate on two principles in relation to understanding the Bible. These are the doctrines of sola scriptura and sola fide. Sola scriptura maintains that the Bible is the final source of authority for Christians; in other words Literary Authoritarianism. Sola Fide maintains that faith and not works is what is necessary for salvation; in other words the gospel according to Paul. When any book or sets of books that has been passed down by man mouth to mouth, and then written down, there has to be a question as to what has changed. Christians believe in the infallibility of the Bible as it stands as the Word of God. Yet, man, in putting down the written word had his own agenda. Many Christians use Sola Fide as a crutch to convince themselves and others the validity of Sola Scriptura. Instead of going within and listening to the still small voice of God, who guides and directs your every movement, they aggressively bang the Bible when, most of the times, they haven’t even read it or meditated upon it. They follow what their religious leaders have told them. Why? Is it too much to research it themselves? Are they too lazy? Or do they just want to take the easy way out and jump on the bandwagon. When people rely solely on their emotions and don’t think, what we have seen recently in the news is not surprise. What is your spiritual agenda? Are you looking for a better life? Are you willing to take the steps and walk the walk to a better life? Are you willing to do the research? Or will you blindly accept what others have told you to believe. It’s up to you. Design your own spiritual agenda to daily seek the truth and wisdom of God; meditate and listen to His still small voice. Don’t rely on the written word alone but feel the spirit of God within you. He will reward you with health, wealth, prosperity and abundance. It is your birthright.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Right to life?

Does the Constitution say that we have a right to life? Bob King, in his post states the following, “The Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are all things that can only be guaranteed to the extent that we agree to not interfere with the lives and choices of other persons.” Well said, Bob. HR3200 states clearly that the government will pay for an initial counseling session where the patients doctors will discuss with the patient and/or the patient’s family what their viable options are. Options, options, options; not death panels. Now, if you don’t choose to believe me then go and read the bill. In a response to a comment I received from Bill of Houston I said, “The panels as you say are for consultation as to whether they will have a quality of life, that the government will pay for. Have you ever been to a nursing home, sir? Have you seen the constant meds and soul-less stares on the patients, as doctors hack one limb off after another and the patient doesn’t even know where, or who they are? Know what you are fighting for, sir! These people have no quality of life because the pharmaceutical companies are making such a huge profit off of their care.” I know. I visit my father in a nursing home. He doesn’t even know who I am because they have him so drugged up and in a constant stupor; the longer he lives the more the pharmaceutical companies make. Is this quality of life? Hardly!

Republican spokespersons who put down HR3200 say that the government should stay out of our personal choices about life; a belief I hold true as a Libertarian. Well then, what about W. cancelling his vacation to stop Terry Schiavo’s husband from taking her off of life support? He didn’t cancel his golfing vacation for Katrina, when thousands of people’s of lives were at stake (he flew over, tours the area and went back to golfing), yet he said, “we should err on the side of life” just for one individual. No doubt sound advice from his brain Karl Rove. And what about statements made by McCain and Palin about their approval of advanced directive (including living wills) and now denouncing it? Sounds two-faced to me. Argue that one, jim bob.

Now, let’s look at abortion. One of my commenters, Alan, stated that abortion is murder. My response to him was, “ ...Find me one, mind you, just ONE thing about abortion in the Bible...” I challenge all of the evangelical Christian community to find me a verse. Just one; that’s all I ask. But some of the activist Christian community believes that it’s OK to murder abortion doctors. Did Jesus grab Peter’s sword and finish the job on the Roman soldier? No, he picked up his ear and healed him. I don’t care what you say, your actions to meet what act you perceive as wrong by committing the same act is just as wrong. If you don’t see that, then there is definitely something wrong with you. Alan also stated that abortion is against the mandates of the Bible and that I was a pro-abortionist. My response to him was, “As for abortion, I don’t believe in abortion. I have 6 children and 6 grandchildren and I thank God everyday for such a blessing and legacy. I never said that abortion was OK. The mantra you refer to is a woman’s right (to choose)!“ Alan further says, “Anyone who stands by Obama, a rabid pro-abortionist, and still tries to hide behind the hem of Jesus' garment is the worst possible kind of hypocrite.” Sir, I don’t hide behind the hem of Jesus’ garment, I announce it! As for your remarks about a man who recognizes that he is not a woman and has NO right to make choices FOR her, your form of sexual bigotry is dying out quickly.

Like the lady in the town hall meeting who said (no doubt from a script), “you’ve awakened a sleeping giant.” The sleeping giant was awakened last November 4th when the country mandated a change. A move away from fear and fascism toward a democratic and peaceful society. In fact, this same lady, when asked by a reporter said that she “wanted us to go back to what the founding fathers wanted for us.” When he responded with, “Ok, no Medicare, no women’s right to vote” she clammed up and couldn’t say a thing. The Founding Fathers made the Constitution a dynamic, living and breathing document that grows as we grow. Not a static set of rules like most evangelicals THINK the Bible is. The Bible is our operation manual for life. It is NOT our life! Give thanks for the blessing that God has given each and every one of us and you will see and receive the blessings of this abundant universe!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Politics and religion

When I woke up today I went through my usual routine. I started my day with thanking God for allowing me to embrace another day as the caffeine from my coffee seeped into my veins. It is a great day, I thought! I spent most of my evening responding to commenters about my article yesterday. It was enlightening to find that most of them accused me of either being a liar, the devil or simply an idiot. What a great country we live where we can speak our minds without fear of reprisal. It’s funny to me that I posted, in Jesus’ own words, the Beatitudes concerning our attitudes to be. What else is funny, is that none of the commenters paid attention to what Jesus was saying. They only focused on how I was using Jesus’ words to further my political agenda. First off, I have no political agenda. I have a thirst for the truth. Especially the truth as revealed by Christ; IN HIS OWN WORDS!

But, as usual, the point was missed by the commenters completely. It has been said that if you want to make friends, then don’t discuss politics or religion. I am not out to make friends; I am out to seek the truth. When I witness the moronic actions at the town halls, the blatant lies being perpetrated by common people in the media and the hostility of the commenters, I begin to understand why Jesus was put to death. He spoke the truth to those who didn’t want to hear the truth. The only way that His words could be silenced, they thought, was to put Him to death. As we all know, that didn’t work. Listen up Rush, Bill, Glenn and Sean. Distraction might work for a season, but ultimately, you will be known by the fruits you bear. Remember, Jesus cursed the fig tree that didn’t bear healthy fruit. Can anyone of you say that the fruits of racism, birthing, deathing and disrupting are healthy fruit? I think not.

Yet, you bellow out you position, day after day, louder and louder each day, drowning out the calm and respectable voices that are present at the town hall meetings. I was very impressed by the Republican man at the Obama town hall who spoke what he felt, in turn and calmly. There are many composed and contained Republicans and Conservatives who speak with maturity and conviction. I fail to see why they don’t shut down the hate mongers like Sarah Palin and her death panel constituents. Or why they let Rush become the figurative head of the Reps. Or how they scream how Bill O’Reilly speaks the truth! That, right there, shows me how misguided and misinformed they are. These are the same people that call me the devil after I quote Christ. I say, what about the devil in you, my friend? Cast the beam out of your own eye before you point out the speck in mine. The speck in mine is my reaction to the idiocy of the past few weeks. People speaking out of turn about things that they don’t know and about companies and people they know absolutely nothing about. Yet, they have an opinion. An opinion means nothing unless it is an informed opinion based on the FACTS and on an obvious truth.

HR3200 might not be the perfect solution to our problem of health care, but it is the only one on the table today. Yes, it might be loaded with earmarks and deals that have to be there so that the corporations can still rape us somewhat, but at least it offers a way for people with CURABLE maladies to afford to have them treated. It won’t affect your current health care, yet the spin doctors want you to believe that so you can shoot it down. Stop listening to the lies of the those who worship the bottom line. Are you truly a believer in God and the word of Jesus? If you are from another religion, do you believe the God you worship would cause harm to His most prized creation? Would someone who respects God’s creation torture another human being? Would they lie to their brother so they can make interest on them? Remove the beam from your eye so you can clearly see the light of day. The only choice left is to live in the darkness.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Racists, birthers, deathers and disruptors beware!

Your time has come. It’s the end of an era of posturing and ignorance. Your good ole boy clubs and networks have been placed under the microscope. Every day that you invade town halls with your rhetoric and insanity proves this fact. Your bellowing of how health care reform will drastically interfere with the free enterprise system is being revealed by the fact that good ole boys are paying citizens to disrupt discussions at town halls. The financing from the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies of the good ole boy network is trying to stop what they feel will hurt their bottom line. You are fueling the underlying racial divide with rhetoric and distraction. Do you honestly think that the average intelligent person can’t see through you scripted statements and false passions? Most of the people are simply tired of your B.S. That’s why Obama was elected. It’s time for you to grow up and stop being sore losers. Oh, but that’s trying to get rationality out of people who are irrational, which, in itself is irrational. Oh no, circular logic!

Was Jesus a racist? Did he not say that the good news was for both Jews AND Gentiles? Jesus embraced all kinds of people. A simple analysis of the Beatitudes reflects this:

  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew5:3) – the poor and humble in spirit are blessed by God. Are the racists, birthers, deathers and disruptors of town halls humble in spirit? Hardly. Theirs is a spirit of frustration; “I want my country back!” Back from whom? A black president? Ah, you have revealed your racism!

  2. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4) – mourners are those who have endured the tremendous might of evil which invades the world; one of these evils is racism. Christ is also a comforter. His wisdom and love of man is unparalleled.

  3. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5) – the meek are humble and gentle; they don’t strive for disharmony because they put their needs in God’s hands, who ultimately delivers their inheritance of peace and justice on earth.

  4. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6) – the loaves and the fishes are a result of the oppressed people who longed for salvation an acceptance; sound like slavery of the African-American people? How many years did they endure oppression? Separation from their family members. Working hard for NO wages. Yet they thirsted for righteousness and the result was an African-American president who is aware of, and capable of, bringing the races together. Something the separatists despise. It is ruining “their America!” Funny, I thought this was our America?

  5. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. (Matthew 5:7) – When you show mercy to another person who you perceive has violated you, then you are superseding justice with love. By assuming a quality of God and showing mercy, mercy will be shown to you. Are the racists, birthers, deathers and disruptors merciful? They are demanding back what they perceive is theirs without regard for anyone else. That, is NOT mercy!

  6. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8)When you see God in everything that He has created, you are pure in heart. We are all expressions of God no matter what race we are. Anyone who sees that differently is NOT pure in heart. Is someone who accepts money to disrupt a town hall meeting with rhetoric and distraction pure in heart? Hardly!

  7. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. (Matthew 5:9) – Those who seek peace accept God as the creator of all things and diligently seek enlightenment and alignment with God. The God of the Old Testament appears to be a warrior God to some. Defending the Jews and claiming them as his “chosen people.” We are all children of God, yet when we seek separation from the whole of God’s creation, we are dividing up the whole into us and them. This is the basis for war, racism, separatism and all hostilities. Those who seek peace and calm, focused discussion recognize their connection to God. Is this the kind of behavior exhibited by racists, birthers, deathers and disruptors? Hardly!

  8. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:10) – God set the example of how we should behave with the actions and behaviors in the life of Christ. Jesus demonstrated human emotion, divine healing and showed mercy and brotherhood to all. When Peter cut off the ear of the soldier, Jesus put it back on. He lived in the Kingdom of Heaven and said it was here and now. Not in some far off place in the sky. It is up to us to emulate his behavior and live in the Kingdom of Heaven now! Their is no derision and hostility in the Kingdom of Heaven. Will there be sidearms present when you live in the Kingdom of Heaven? Think about it!

  9. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12) – This verse has been my guiding light. I am exceedingly glad and my reward is being able to live in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now. When I receive attacks from commenters who speak out of their a~s, without anything to back it up, I smile and thank the Lord for blessing me with insight and understanding. The Beatitudes are about keeping the testimonies of God and seeking Him with all of your mind, body and spirit. When you do this your are living in the Kingdom of Heaven everyday. Those who seek derision against man without proof, claim to know the Bible without thoroughly researching it and act like animals at public events are persecuting everyone who shows up to discuss the current issues. Rejoice in their ignorance for they truly have their reward! They have to live with themselves. Ultimately, pray for their guidance from God and the understanding of His laws.

Racists, birthers, deathers and disruptors beware. Your B.S. has been seen in the light of day. Try actually reading the content of the Health Reform Act before you cast judgment. Stop listening to self-aggrandizing inciters like Sarah Palin who don’t have a clue about reality, except to manipulate apparent circumstances to support their positions and increase their bottom line. Do you really think she actually cares about you? If you do then you are quite foolish. Keep displaying your ignorance and keep revealing your lack of understanding of what Jesus has taught us. I can only pray that one day you will wake up and smell the flowers. They, too, are a part of God’s magnificent creation!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sieg Hiel, Corporate America!

It never ceases to amaze me how the lack of intelligence and bullheadedness of conservative right wing intellectual terrorists will defend the very thing that is hurting them the most: corporate america. And what is an intellectual terrorist? A person that keeps battering you with distraction and nonsense long enough for you not to observe and THINK about what is REALLY happening. The expression the blind leading the blind comes to mind, but however, that is not what is happening. Most of these average American citizens are hard-working, family-oriented and want the best in their lives. Yet Corporate America daily dangles the carrot of that better life without hope for them to ever get it.

Many years ago the banks orchestrated the Federal Reserve creation in order to run rampant on the average citizen with interest rates and low monthly payments to keep them in debt forever. The government imposed an income tax on citizens and the IRS took that, according to their code (and NOT the law), to tax your wages. Income tax is legal and wage tax isn’t. There IS a difference! Every ounce of sweat you give into your job earns you money and gives you stress. Stress is the major source of all illnesses because it weakens your immune system. The only way a wage tax would be fair is if the government offered the supporters health care. But do they? Not currently except for the poor and the elderly.

Yet every time a conservative right wing regime is in power in this country, health care reform is passed over. Do you see a pattern here? Corporate America is in the pockets of both Republican and Democratic representatives who proclaim that their stance against health care is for the betterment of America’s citizens. They wave the flag and decry socialism. They try to distract all of us from the truth. Corporate America worships only one God; and that is THE BOTTOM LINE! Their deacons and ministers are the numerous bean counters who daily tally up that “take” and advise them what needs to be done to keep increasing the bottom line. And what’s wrong with that a healthy capitalist might say? Nothing, except when it steps on the freedoms and rights of American citizens. Physical slavery was abolished over 100 years ago and look how long it took for an African-American president to be elected. It is time that people ignore the distraction and nonsense of misguided individuals who support Corporate American rapists and put a STOP to financial slavery.

Stop worshipping at the altar of a false god. What do you think the Hebrews did when Moses didn’t return when they thought he should? They made idols of golden calves (money?) and began worshipping them. God and Moses didn’t take kindly to that, did they. But yet, these same people who bang the Bible in town hall meetings are the same people who turn a blind eye to what Corporate America is doing everyday and cry, “I want my America back.” Why don’t they just call a spade a spade and admit that they are racists. They can’t believe that the best person for the job of leading us out of the mess created by the neo-cons is an African-American. What better person than Barack Obama, who had to grow up with bi-cultural assets in a separatist world, could understand the plight of the average person who is being raped by Corporate America.

People, wake up. Don’t bang the Bible professing it is truth. Read the truth that is in it and realize that Corporate America is your enemy, not your friend. Bring down the regime that has forcibly put you into financial slavery by supporting the real people who are fighting for your individual rights. Don’t just pray for them, get off your tush and do something about it. Show up to town hall meetings to discuss the issues, not distract the discussions from the issues. Truly be an American; one who fights for religious freedom and says no to taxation without representation. Write your congressman, go to town hall meetings, make your voice known. John the Baptist was a lone voice crying in the wilderness; yet his cry announced the Son of Man and the blessings that God has bestowed on us. Wake up and smell the stench of the lies of those who wish to control, dominate and manipulate your every action! Don’t listen to Sieg Heil!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Relay your thoughts

What does that mean? One commenter on my article Ask and it is given stated “All good gifts come from God, not from some imagined human ability to 'create'. Duh.” And what does any human capacity of creativity have to do with the gifts from God? Everything!!! Duh! If one cannot see the glory, majesty and blessings that God has given us then they need to turn on the windshield wipers. I have repeatedly referred to this statement, and I will refer to it again; “Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done (Matthew 21:21). God’s greatest gift to us is the power of creativity. But how does this come about? Are our brains truly thought generators that reach out and move mountains and worlds? Hardly. Or are our brains directors of energies that move mountains and worlds? The symbology here is critical.

From about 1973 to 1993 I was a practicing Astrologer. I did charts on many types of people and the results were startling. I researched the energies involved between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun, as well as the planets. I designed a computer program to track the gravitational relationships and energies transmitted and received only to realize that there are miniscule effects at best. Yes, the Moon affects the tides and because our bodies are between 88% to 92% water it does affect us. Without the life giving energy of the Sun we couldn’t survive on this planet. These are all facts I struggled with but just couldn’t resolve whether or not physical interactions genuinely existed or were at least, influential to our human existence. The Bible does state that Astrology is for signs and the seasons, yet, primarily due to misunderstood translations, the Christian community tends to ignore them as being valid or relegates them to being evil. They seem to forget the 3 wise men who used these signs to locate and provide finances to Jesus for his ministry. They forget that Joseph and Mary weren’t rich and the gifts from the Magi provided them with the necessary capital they needed to keep Jesus alive.

In 1981 I read a book by Dane Rudhyar, a transcendental astrologer entitled “The Astrology of Transformation.” He proposed that Astrology was a language of symbology and not an interactive energy measuring device. When we were born on this planet at a certain time of day, a certain day of the year, the reference of the planets in their houses and signs provided an analysis of our tendencies, not a predetermined stance or posture of a person’s entire life. Wow! Just like what the Bible said. A language for signs and for seasons. Not an evil method to steer one away from God. Hmmm! I can hear the tapping of the commenter’s keys right now. Here comes judgment rearing its ugly head. However, I won’t focus on that image since I don’t want to create it.

One scientist that was interviewed by Larry King on CNN stated that our minds do not generate enough energy to rearrange matter as is proposed in the movie, “The Secret.” Technically, he is right. The Law of Attraction is beyond science’s ability to measure, qualify and quantify. Why? Because they are opening the front door of the barn looking for the horse while the horse has already left by the back door. Read the criticism section under the above LOA link. Years ago I worked for Amtrak at the Wilmington shops as an Electronics Inspector. We spent most of our days cleaning off electrical devices called relays. Relays are basically switching devices that use a safe lower voltage to change direction of a not-so-safe higher voltage. Without relays, human beings could be fried to death with the high voltages required to run locomotives. Yet, with these ingenious devices, we have mastered the power of the electron and made it safe for us to harness it. Our thoughts are generated from our brains at a lower voltage. God has freely given us the gift to choose what thoughts we focus on. Could it be that the thoughts we generate harness the greater energies present in the universe that move worlds? I believe that this is the case. Just like Dane Rudhyar stated about Astrology being a language of symbology I propose that our thoughts create symbols and archetypes that relay our thoughts to the universe, and through the Law of Attraction, create the circumstances in our lives.

The Law of Attraction obeys the symbols, archetypes, pictures and verbal proclamations, whether we believe this or not. The Law of Attraction precisely responds to what you envision, state and hold true about yourself and your world. If you offer a vibration of confusion and disharmony, it will respond with more of the same. Conversely, if you offer lucidity and focus, it will relay your thoughts to God’s clock (the Universe) and the powers that are already there will obey. This is what Jesus meant when he said that the mountain will move.

God has given us the gift of creativity and the ability to harness the powers of the universe simply by focusing, maintaining and relaying our thoughts on a consistent basis. Which thoughts will you choose? Will you focus on lack and limitation or will you focus on abundance and prosperity? Will you seek to help others or further your own selfish causes? It is your choice. Act responsibly!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.


If any of you have been following the recent articles and posted comments over the past couple of weeks you have witnessed some heated exchanges. None more so than my exchange with Gary Davis, a writer with Associated Content. Pot shots were taken by both of us and posturing came into play. However, ultimately, the spirit of truth made itself apparent. His initial article, “Dean Banks Suggests Apostle Paul Possible Apostate” was in reaction to my article, ”Paul: apostle or apostate.” His subsequent article, “Of Friends, Foes and Dean Banks” was written after we exchanged some comments about the disagreements and the way we both handled them. Mr. Davis stepped up to the plate and initiated peace and I am humbled by his forthrightness and professionalism. Because of that, I have a new friend, whom I might not always agree with, but one for whom I significantly respect. This man is not only a musician/keyboard player like myself, but fought in Viet Nam. I thanked him for his service to this country and for the sacrifice of putting his life on the line for all of us. Whether we agree with any of the wars our country has been involved in or not, we still owe respect and support to the men and women who served.

Posturing is defined as developing a policy or stance for yourself, a group or your country. It is based on adopting an attitude or position on a particular subject and not moving. It implies rigidity. As much as we all sometimes try to be understanding of the other guy, we can dig down deep and take root into posturing. For example, the recent town hall meetings and the ill-informed participants who scream out their position. Sometimes in the heat of an argument, both sides may believe similar things, but the ego creeps in and keeps the focus on “me” being right. The ego, or what has been commonly referred to as Edging God Out, is a necessary component of human behavior because it maintains our survival mechanism. Jesus always pointed to the Father. Even when Jesus trashed the merchants tables at the synagogue (And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables – John 2:15), it wasn’t his ego that was enraged. It was his tolerance. He had had it with people disrespecting God and he was wise enough to talk in the only language that those people would understand. Do you think if he used another approach it would have been as effective? Possibly, “Oh please stop making money in the temple because it offends God.” Would that have worked? Hardly.

Speaking in the language that other people understand can sometimes be very difficult. Would you speak your native language in a foreign country and expect to be fully understood? Even if the people you were speaking to understood your language, would they understand your geographic idioms and dialect, language nuances or the vocabulary from the educational level in which you spoke? Most magazines today print their stories at a 7th grade reading level because they don’t want to alienate their readers with bombastic expressions that would go over their head. We must all learn to talk at a level of comprehension that is mutual in order for us to understand one another. We must find common ground.

Yes, I got angry with Gary Davis, but I learned something about him and myself after I cooled down. He intrigued me enough to read some of his articles and I saw beyond my anger and came to respect him as a writer and now, new friend. We met on common ground and came to understand one another. Out of this microcosm of writing, commenting and posturing came a new environment of respect and understanding. We both have learned and grown from this exchange and I hope that the result that we have embraced, can not only be a lesson to both of us, but to our readers as well. Gary is now 60 years old and I am 55. Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? It all goes back to the article I wrote on perspective (Altering your perspective). All of us can learn from one another if we get beyond ourselves and don’t posture. If you squeeze your hand on the truth too hard it will slip through your fingers.

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.