Well, here goes the right wing cries again. Using tidbits to reinforce and obviously weak and loser position, it is interesting that some right wingers uncover one video utilizing “Hussein” and emphasize it in the title of their agenda setting beliefs. Since I am forbidden to make any references to who this is, I will just respond in kind to the obvious agenda setting taking place. This article is in reference to the article here. Following is my OPINION based on the “facts” contained in the article; not an OPINION based on an OPINION as derived from someone else’s “research”:
My retort to Paragraph 2: In reference to Keith Olbermann, he would have said something about W.; after all, his team of researchers scours out the facts and not opinions like Glenn Beck “researchers” do night after night. I am called a “Leftist”, just like the writer infers the term I have used (Racist). And I am accused of being a name caller? As for Joe Scarborough, isn’t he a Republican? Or did the writer forget to check that one out? There he goes again. Is the writer the source for determining what he calls bad behavior? As for hypocrisy, the writer takes the cake. Some people swallow whatever someone says hook, line and sinker. Well, hopefully the writer will get over it before he influences too many people and steers them down the path to hell. It’s amazing what some people do when they are afraid of the facts!
My retort to Paragraph 3: If anyone knows brainwashing it’s those who are out to set an agenda. Some writers present their illogical arguments based on right wing religious hooey and package it in a palatable form for morons who don’t have the inclination to investigate their erroneous claims. This writer take stabs at me for my “leftist” position and cries foul when I call him and his commenters “racists”. This is the worst form of hypocrisy because they can’t smell their own stench. As for earning the respect, Obama has. Who the hell does the writer think he is to be the determiner of what constitutes earning respect? After all, his discovery of the Word has led him down a path of misinterpretation and false support for views he has only recently learned. Compare that to a lifetime of research and living the word. There is no comparison. Yet he poses the question and puts it in the laps of his readers with a pronounced skew in his presentation. Again, trying to manipulate the outcome
My retort to Paragraph 4: Subtly presenting his “character” skew and using children to gain access to his readers’ soft spots, the writer demonstrates he is the worst form of manipulator. And Obama is correct for apologizing for America. Republican war policies and reprehensible behavior toward the global community is based on lies and manipulation. Has the writer forgotten about Iraq, Afghanistan and torture perpetrated by Bush and Cheney? Conveniently not for his argument.
My retort to Paragraph 5: Mind control tactics are this writer’s obvious weapons. Presenting a skewed video to back up his obviously weak position adds icing to the cake. His methodology is to take the available and skew it to fit his right wing Republican religious agenda. Seek enlightenment, sir, and the understanding that Christ provides and your cloak of right wing righteousness will fall to ground where it belongs.
As for his commenter who wants Jesus back in the schools, what makes her think that this country is just Judeo-Christian? If you want religions in school than why not all of them? We could all learn temperance and tolerance for others by embracing all forms of belief and not judging each other. Something modern day Christians use as a flag to wave. Why not wave a flag of respect and unity instead of maliciousness and derision? If you want a more poignant version of this article then click here.
As always, your comments and conclusions are welcomed. As I have stated in a previous article, I no longer read them, but you are welcome to debate my position amongst yourselves. May God bless all of you, whether you agree with me or not.
For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. Please visit my Eschatology Refutation Blog. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." ©2009 Dean A. Banks. All Rights Reserved. Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at webproducer@hotmail.com or banksnet.com. Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.
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