Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Power of Expectancy

Expectancy is defined as the quality or state of anticipating something based on a belief or desire. Achieving the goals and desires of your heart is a two step process. First you have to believe you can achieve those goals and desires and then you have to expect them. Most people stop when it gets to the second step in the process. Why? Is it because their belief wasn’t strong enough? Is it because they got distracted from their goal? Or is it simply that they didn’t do the spiritual legwork that is required to manifest goals and desires into reality. The saying “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” applies here. You may need or want to get to your destination. You may desire it immensely. But you will never get there until you expect to get there by taking that first step. That first step comes from what is known as faithing. Putting your desires into action. Expecting the manifestation of your goals and desires.

In a previous article I talked about the Chip Away Theory; what I call CAT. It is a process of doing a little bit each day to move toward the completion of your goals and desires. It develops and nurtures a state of expectancy in your being that resonates your spirit with confidence. It takes the trying out of things and creates the manifesting of things. When you methodically take steps toward your goals and desires you generate an energy of expectancy. Remember, everything is energy. Matter is energy that vibrates at a slower rate. The mental energy we expend comes from chemical interactions in our brains. This energy is manifested from matter and vibrates faster than matter. Slower vibratory matter generates faster vibratory energy. How can this be? Faster vibratory energy from the Sun enters all life on our planet and affects the growth and development of all life. When we generate thoughts we are create a feedback into our environment. If we respond negatively to situations we are simply creating more of the same! If we respond positively to situations we are altering our feedback and generating a new mental energy that is broadcast from our being. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It simply changes form.

So what does this have to do with expectancy? If we keep our desires and goals within us and don’t mentally broadcast them into our environment than how can we ever expect to manifest our goals and desires? Someone once said, “let go and let God.” There is power in this statement. God is in control of this vast universe. It is His clock. It ticks with a rhythm that is beyond our sensual comprehension. By broadcasting our desires into this clock we set manifestations of this clock into motion. We receive the results of our desires by letting them go and expecting them to come to us. Unwavering faith is a state where we think, know and feel a positive outcome of our expectancy. It is a declaration to the universe that this is what we need, want, desire and expect to happen. It is actualizing our potential as a co-creator in the universe.

Are you creating joy, abundance and prosperity in your life? Are you satisfied with your day to day existence? Is something missing in your life and you can’t figure out what it is? If you want answers to these questions then do the research. Make the time every day to get to know you. Find out what makes YOU tick. What excites you. What stimulates you. What you truly want out of life. Then create and environmental feedback that declares the manifestation of what you truly desire. Let it go and expect it to come. It will!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or Download my free eBook on Articles 1-10 here.

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