Thursday, April 16, 2009

Perception of Reality

In my last article I talked about how to effectively use the Law of Attraction/Repulsion to manifest your innermost desires. I can hear the empirical scientists now dismissing what I said as poppycock. Scientists employ what is called a hypothetico-deductive method (scientific method named by William Whewell) of observing “reality.” But what is reality? Is it what we all experience or what we all perceive about reality? According to the rules of the above method, scientists observe and gather data by measuring quantitative perceptions of empirical qualities such as weight, length, breadth, depth or motion of the object of their observation. Next, they take an informed guess, or hypothesis, as to why these perceptions exist. Then they predict or deduce a consequence of observable interaction by designing an experiment to prove whether their hypothesis is true or false. Finally, they need to corroborate their findings by having other scientists perform the experiment and come up with similar results. If any other scientist does not observe the same results, then the hypothesis is false and a new hypothesis needs to be formed and tested in a new experiment.

What a great system of measuring and observing reality! Scientific method is based on recording the perceptions of the scientists. But let’s examine these perceptions. Years ago scientists began to realize that their own involvement in an experiment can affect the outcome of the experiment. Why? Because we all influence our environment whether we perceive it or not. The operative word here is perception. What is perception? It is an awareness or understanding of what is perceived by our senses. Here is the weak link. Our senses all react to varied ranges of electromagnetic energy. For example, we hear roughly between a range of 20 to 20,000 Hz. Sounds, which are mechanical vibrations of the air, strike our ear drums and we feel these vibrations. The hearing mechanism translates these vibrations into electrical impulses which feed our brains. The brain then interprets these electrical impulses into environmental perceptions. In effect, we experience a copy of what actually exists in our environment. The same translations of energy exist with our senses of sight, taste, smell and touch. Each sense feels a range of frequencies of electromagnetic energy. But what about frequencies that are not perceived within these limited ranges? Because we don’t perceive them does it mean that they are not there? The fact is that we perceive an electrical copy of reality, not reality itself.

What does this mean? Basically, scientific observation is limited by the experimenter. Anything beyond the observable qualities of an experiment cannot be proven. It can be theorized to exist, but until an experiment is designed to prove an assumption or hypothesis, then any theory not proven still needs to be proven by an effective experiment or it is relegated by the description of pseudo-science. It took many years to “prove” Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. Yet, when we utilize the Law of Attraction and emotionalize our thoughts to bring about our desires, and those desires manifest, it is construed by the mainstream scientific community as luck or misguided pseudo-science. We, as experimenters of our lives, have the choice to either prove or disprove the results of our consistent thoughts and the passionate emotions attached to those thoughts.

Become and experimenter and utilize the scientific method to prove or disprove the Law of Attraction. Internalize, visualize and emotionalize your innermost desires for just 30 days. Do it consistently day after day and don’t miss a step. Keep a journal and write down your observations. Look for the subtle and obvious results of your experiment. Test the Law of Attraction and then be amazed at the results!

For more info: Download my free Wilmington Spirituality Examiner toolbar. “Life is a gift. Be thankful for it and it will be replete with abundance. Encourage others to express creativity, release negativity and embrace pro-activity." Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD can be reached at or

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