Sunday, December 15, 2013

Affiliate Promotions by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Affiliate Promotions by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Help me promote my eBooks below and money for every sale that comes from your posts that you make to your page and that convert into sales of the eBooks. Go to the links below and click on ‘Share or repost and get $X.XX ×’ link. Sign up and get your link to post on your page. Thank you for helping me to support the Spirituality Guidance Channel!

Read more:

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ripoff Report | David Durham Complaint Review Weston, Florida: 726180

Ripoff Report | David Durham Complaint Review Weston, Florida: 726180

Welcome to Durham Loyal Ripoffs! Dedicated to stopping fraud against the elderly. Home page.

Welcome to Durham Loyal Ripoffs! Dedicated to stopping fraud against the elderly. Home page.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Experiencing a Destiny of Evil by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Experiencing a Destiny of Evil by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog
“Blessed are you whenever they revile you and persecute you and they say every evil word against you for my sake, in falsehood. Then rejoice and triumph, because your reward is great in Heaven, for just so they persecuted The Prophets who were before you.” ~Yeshua, Matthew 5:11-12 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Are You Attracting or Allowing? By Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Are You Attracting or Allowing? By Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty
There continually seems to be an ongoing debate about the reality of the Law of Attraction. Does is physically work? Do you broadcast energies that physically attract objects in space by the repeated thoughts and beliefs you hold as true?

Are You Attracting Or Allowing? by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Are You Attracting Or Allowing? by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog
There continually seems to be an ongoing debate about the reality of the Law of Attraction. Does is physically work? Do you broadcast energies that physically attract objects in space by the repeated thoughts and beliefs you hold as true? Or are you just a relay of energy that harnesses the invisible scaffolding of dark matter and dark energy that supports energy and matter? Could it be that these explanations are accurate or are they way off base?

Friday, October 25, 2013

Welcome to Durham Loyal Ripoffs! Dedicated to stopping fraud against the elderly. Home page.

Welcome to Durham Loyal Ripoffs! Dedicated to stopping fraud against the elderly. Home page.

To David J. Durham ( You can lie all you want. You can buy off lawyers, judges and minions to do your dirty work for you. You can spin the truth to make yourself look good.

You can get your associates to libel us, slander us and defame our character. You can attempt to buy justice so you can continue to divide families, steal their hard earned monies and carry on with your bogus church and pastor. You can do all of these things in order to ensure that you keep adding to your bottom line.

One thing you will never be able to do is stop the Almighty from bringing you and your minions to justice. Divine order will come upon you when you least expect it and the measure you will receive will be devastating. God is a just God.

The Spirit of God will protect all of us from you no matter what you try to do. Waterloo is nigh, David. Be prepared! ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Friday, September 20, 2013

We Need Your Help by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

We Need Your Help by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

We Need Your Help by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

We need an attorney to help us reclaim what we own and stop this false proceeding against us. If you are in the position to help us, please visit our legal fund raising site:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dear Friends by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Dear Friends by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Dear Friends by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

We’ve had our day in court, told the complete truth and now the courts are trying to take our home, our vehicle and all of our assets to pay their judgment against us. We need an attorney to help us reclaim what we own and stop this false proceeding against us. If you are in the position to help us, please visit our legal fund raising site:

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Banksnet Web Portal by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Banksnet Web Portal by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty
Banksnet Web Portal by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

With our portal you will find thoroughly researched opportunities, merchandise and specialties that can help you save money on the best quality products and services. You’ll also be able to avail yourself of the most effective personal and business marketing.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Banksnet Web Portal by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

With our portal you will find thoroughly researched opportunities, merchandise and specialties that can help you save money on the best quality products and services. You’ll also be able to avail yourself of the most effective personal and business marketing.

Banksnet Web Portal | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Banksnet Web Portal | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Radio Interviews by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

My Radio Interviews by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

My Radio Interviews by Dean a. Banks, D.d

Over the past few years I have been blessed to be interviewed by some of the best hosts on Internet Radio.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

My Radio Interviews by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Over the past few years I have been blessed to be interviewed by some of the best hosts on Internet Radio.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

What is Fear? By Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

What is Fear? By Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty
What is Fear? By Dean A. Banks, D.D.

I’m sure all of you have heard of the acronym for FEAR as False Evidence Appearing Real. It is true that fear is an emotion you can experience within that can appear real to you. It is either a primary emotional reaction to an immediate perceived danger or a secondary emotion that arises after many other emotions are layered one upon another and create a state fear.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Do Not be a Slave to Violence by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal

Do Not be a Slave to Violence by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal

Do Not be a Slave to Violence by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

If you live from the ego and its tendency to violence then you will die by its fear and aberrance.

Be a Light Unto This World | Relijournal

Be a Light Unto This World | Relijournal
Be a Light Unto This World

Have you been bombarded with intense rhetoric? Are you tired of what this pundit says and what that pundit retorts? Who is pulling their strings? Follow the money and you will find the puppet masters. As Jesus said, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them (Matthew 7:20 – King James Version).

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

What Is Fear? by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

I’m sure all of you have heard of the acronym for FEAR as False Evidence Appearing Real. It is true that fear is an emotion you can experience within that can appear real to you. It is either a primary emotional reaction to an immediate perceived danger or a secondary emotion that arises after many other emotions are layered one upon another and create a state fear.

Are You Thinking Critically? | Scienceray

Are You Thinking Critically? | Scienceray
Are You Thinking Critically? by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

What exactly is critical thinking? Is it observing and forming your own opinions based on the facts or is simply not trusting what anyone tells you is the truth until you see for yourself?

Overcoming by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal

Overcoming by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal

Overcoming by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

According to its definitions, the word ‘overcoming’ implies a struggle or a fight. When you fight and resist more of the same comes upon you. Is overcoming a good thing? Or is it a perception based on the perceived dualistic reality that convinces you that it is more good than bad?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I Have a Dream… | Socyberty

I Have a Dream… | Socyberty

I Have a Dream…
by Spirituality Guide in History, January 18, 2010

An examination of the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His focus on the equality of humankind raised the consciousness of the world. His philosophy embraced all of humanity and urged it to move toward the growth and expansion of all life.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

We The People by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

We The People by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

We The People by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

The most powerful thing about our government are the first words of the U.S. Constitution; We the People!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Seven Habits Ebook on Trusting in God | Socyberty

Seven Habits Ebook on Trusting in God | Socyberty
The Seven Habits Of People Who Completely Trust In God by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

An eBook about the Seven Habits of Divine Communication, Prayer, Meditation, Service, Alignment, Fulfillment and Trust.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is The Devil in The Details? | Socyberty

Is The Devil in The Details? | Socyberty

Is The Devil in The Details? by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

From one moment to the next you experience the bounty of the omniverse and whittle it down to what is important to you. You focus on what you need to take from your experience in order to survive, thrive and be alive.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Truthful Measure | Relijournal

A Truthful Measure | Relijournal
A Truthful Measure by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

“Give and it will be given to you in good measure, pressed down and overflowing, they shall cast into your lap. For with what measure you measure it will be measured to you.” Jesus, Luke 6:38.

What is Judgment? By Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal

What is Judgment? By Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal

What is Judgment? By Dean A. Banks, D.D.

What is judgment? You constantly hear people always saying, “Oh, Jesus said you shouldn’t judge anyone!” Wrong. Jesus said that if you judged someone you would be judged. If you choose to judge another then you will be judged by others as well.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

F.r. Rittenhouse Art by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Bookstove

F.r. Rittenhouse Art by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Bookstove

F.r. Rittenhouse Art by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

If you have a picture of a pet, someone or something else that you love, F.R. Rittenhouse will create an artistic rendering that will seem to jump off of the page and bring a smile to your face for years to come.

A Foursquare Approach to Unfolding Your Divine Purpose in Divine Order | Relijournal

A Foursquare Approach to Unfolding Your Divine Purpose in Divine Order | Relijournal

A Foursquare Approach to Unfolding Your Divine Purpose in Divine Order

A treatise on The Foursquare Aspects of Living, The Foursquare Opportunities, The Foursquare Possibilities, The Foursquare Probabilities and The Foursquare Essentials.

I Love You | Relijournal

I Love You | Relijournal
I Love You

What does it truly mean to be ‘in love’ with someone? Is it a selfish feeling or is it a Divine understanding? Is it something that your ego can control or that your spirit guides you to in understanding whom and what your truly are?

Friday, August 16, 2013

Divine Communication | Relijournal

Divine Communication | Relijournal
Divine Communication

There is infinite power in the triune of prayer, meditation and service. Effectively practicing these aspects every day allows us to use these keys to provide a joyful path to successful living. “I am also saying to you, Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened to you.” ~Jesus, Luke 11:9.

Collections of Articles by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal

Collections of Articles by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal
Collections of articles by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Celebrity for Good | Socyberty

Celebrity for Good | Socyberty
Celebrity for Good by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Are you watching what is going on in this world? Do you simply ignore it hoping that it will get better? Are you apathetic to the plight of others around the world? Do you understand the gifts that God has given you to stand up for truth and justice? Or do you simply sip a cup o’ joe while watching the daily news and say, “Oh, that’s a shame” and turn on your favorite sitcom?

Going Green with Electricity by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal

Going Green with Electricity by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal

Going Green with Electricity by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Have you heard of the massive utility deregulation occurring in the past few months? Marketing companies are buying electricity directly from utility companies at reduced rates and passing them onto the consumer.

Homes for Cats by Dean a. Banks, D.d | The Real Owner

Homes for Cats by Dean a. Banks, D.d | The Real Owner
Homes for Cats by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Please help us find good homes for our feline friends so they can have a chance at knowing love and ongoing health. These beautiful creatures need the love and attention that any living being requires.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
Paying Attention by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Where does your predominant attention lie? In whatever crosses your mind or whatever tugs at your heart? Or, do you make the time to ‘know’ where it needs to lie as opposed to where you believe it must lie?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Complaining by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

What is complaining? It is a natural occurrence when you feel something isn’t right or the way it should be? Or is it your ego desperately trying to take command of the way it believes it should be instead of accepting the way it is?

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

God Is In The Details by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

From one moment to the next you experience the bounty of the omniverse and whittle it down to what is important to you. You focus on what you need to take from your experience in order to survive, thrive and be alive.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

The Path To The Dark Side by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

The doorway to the dark side of existence is opened when you choose to fear what you don’t understand. Whatever is hidden in the darkest corners of your mind and heart will come alive and you will react when you doubt what you are observing in your reality.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

What Is Life? by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Life is organic, animate, metamorphosizing, reproducing and adaptive to its environment by internal changes in order to survive. It is in a dynamic and ever-changing state of existence and not in stasis. Life has an inherent consciousness that moves towards growth and expansion and not stagnation and reduction.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
My Source by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

My Source is not my job, money or the people and things that surround me. My Source is deep within me speaking in silence and moving in stillness. It is the birthplace of the well-spring of thought that bubbles up into my consciousness.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
Triggering Your Emotions by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Have you ever noticed that when it’s a slow news day that the news programs dredge up old stories of tragedies that occurred on this day ten or twenty years ago?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Serving Two Masters page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Serving Two Masters page.

The Seven Habits Of People Who Completely Trust In God by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

The Seven Habits Of People Who Completely Trust In God by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

The Seven Habits of Divine Communication, Prayer,
Meditation, Service, Alignment, Fulfillment and Trust.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

30 Years Later by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

30 Years Later by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

30 Years Later

In George Orwell’s famous novel, 1984, the first reference to Big Brother is entered into the mass consciousness. Big Brother is a figurehead that represents the ‘state’ or the ruling class. In order to keep the people in line BB has to watch and listen to what everyone is doing to thwart dissidents that might undermine ‘his’ regime.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
Stick To The Facts by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Facts are observed information from events, occurrences, situations, circumstances and the behavior of ourselves, others and perceived objects in our environment. From the information that we perceive with our brains as being real to us, we derive our viewpoint, beliefs and opinions.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
Acceptable Norms by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

As DNA strands transmit genes in order to reproduce, so do the beliefs of others transmit into others by repeating and accepting them as the truth without testing their validity? Beliefs are nothing more than repeated thoughts and ideas that one accepts as true.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Articles on Beliefs and Behaviors by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Webupon

Articles on Beliefs and Behaviors by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Webupon

Articles on Beliefs and Behaviors by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Please revisit these sites to read about your beliefs and your behaviors.

Read more:

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Catch up on the past week of Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean:

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
Commands by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

When I got up this morning I was thinking about writing a piece on how our computers were originally designed to emulate our subconscious minds. I was going through the commands in my head and correlating them with the keys on the keyboard.

Doing The Right Thing by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Doing The Right Thing by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Doing The Right Thing by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

How do you know you are doing the right thing? When it seems like the whole world is crashing down on you! When you make a move forward and you’ve gone two steps backward.

Tweeting Your ‘Who-Ha’? by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Tweeting Your ‘Who-Ha’? by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Tweeting Your ‘Who-Ha’? by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Again, we are subjected to the ongoing saga of Anthony (‘s) Weiner; the former Democratic Congressman of New York who took shots of his ‘who-ha’ and tweeted them to ‘potentials’ on Twitter.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Doing The Right Thing by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Doing The Right Thing by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Doing The Right Thing by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

How do you know you are doing the right thing? When it seems like the whole world is crashing down on you! When you make a move forward and you’ve gone two steps backward.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
Doing The Right Thing by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

How do you know you are doing the right thing? When it seems like the whole world is crashing down on you! When you make a move forward and you’ve gone two steps backward.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
Doing The Right Thing by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

How do you know you are doing the right thing? When it seems like the whole world is crashing down on you! When you make a move forward and you’ve gone two steps backward.

Profiling by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Profiling by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty
Profiling by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Following are stories of personal profiling against my wife and myself when we were younger and more recently.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Profiling by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Profiling by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog
Profiling by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Following are stories of personal profiling against my wife and myself when we were younger and more recently.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Truth And Validity by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Do you know that your brain combines your sensory inputs into a cohesive whole that when you remember certain events, situations, occurrences, circumstances and the behaviors of yourself and others, it recreates the elements of those observations?

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Port Auto Center by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

The Port Auto Center by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

The Port Auto Center by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

If you are located in the New Castle County/Wilmington, DE. I have a great Auto & Truck Sales & Repair and Towing company for you.

Expecting Or Allowing? by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Expecting Or Allowing? by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Expecting Or Allowing? by Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Are your expectations of life based on reality? Are they based on you doing something so that you can get something in return? Or are they based on the laws of the omniverse that say that if you do something a certain way that ‘this’ will be the result?

Spiritual Quote Collections by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal

Spiritual Quote Collections by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Relijournal
Spiritual Quote Collections by Dean A. Banks, D.D.
Please revisit these sites to read spiritual quotes by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Are You Bearing Healthy Fruit? | Computersight

Are You Bearing Healthy Fruit? | Computersight

Are You Bearing Healthy Fruit?

Jesus said we will know them by the fruits they bear. If one bears fruits of anger and derision what does that say about their hearts?

Read more:

Friday, July 19, 2013

Writing for Profit? By Dean a. Banks, D.d | Writinghood

Writing for Profit? By Dean a. Banks, D.d | Writinghood

Writing for Profit? By Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Have you been thinking about writing for profit? Do you have a deep inner motivation to express your thoughts to others? Are you willing to do what it takes to make that bold step and put your views on the line? You CAN do it! Do it NOW!

Read more:

Authority | Scienceray

Authority | Scienceray


What is authority? Is it based on what is true and correct” Or is it just an accepted impression of someone you believe knows what they are talking about? What can you do to know whether or not you should listen to what an authority figure says?

Read more:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Homes For Cats by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Homes For Cats by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog
Homes For Cats by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Please help us find good homes for our feline friends so they can have a chance at knowing love and ongoing health. These beautiful creatures need the love and attention that any living being requires. They provide friendship, affection and warmth to their benefactors. The only thing they need is a loving home.

Daily Quotes For January 2013 by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes For January 2013 by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes For January 2013 by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

The Path to Infinity | Relijournal

The Path to Infinity | Relijournal

The Path to Infinity

The eight-fold cyclical progression to unfolding your Divine purpose in Divine order.

Read more:

Pat Robertson – Spokesperson for God or Today’s Paul? | Relijournal

Pat Robertson – Spokesperson for God or Today’s Paul? | Relijournal

Pat Robertson – Spokesperson for God or Today’s Paul?

Delusional preachers of the "Word" abound all around us. One of the most delusional is Pat Robertson and his 700 Club. Who does he think he is to pass judgment on a mother’s son and break her heart?

Read more:

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean

Monday, July 15, 2013

Wanting To Be A Hero by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Wanting To Be A Hero by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog
Wanting To Be A Hero by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

George Zimmerman wanted to be a hero so much that he continually dwelled on that thought and made it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wealth: Your Divine Right? | Relijournal

Wealth: Your Divine Right? | Relijournal

Wealth: Your Divine Right?

The contents of the eBook are an analysis of the wealth-building principles of those who obtain and maintain wealth from a spiritual perspective. The eBook analyzes and reveals financial, relationship and educational wealth-building processes that bring you into alignment with manifesting your Divine purpose in Divine order while maintaining health, wealth, prosperity and abundance. It is a must read for all those who love God and desire a better life for themselves and their families.

Read more:

Give Yourself A Spiritual | Relijournal

Give Yourself A Spiritual | Relijournal

Give Yourself A Spiritual

We all go to the doctor to get ‘A Physical’; why not get ‘A Spiritual’?

Read more:

Give Yourself A Spiritual | Relijournal

Give Yourself A Spiritual | Relijournal

Give Yourself A Spiritual

We all go to the doctor to get ‘A Physical’; why not get ‘A Spiritual’?

Read more:

Friday, July 12, 2013

Are Your Beliefs Valid? | Relijournal

Are Your Beliefs Valid? | Relijournal

Are Your Beliefs Valid?

Are your beliefs valid or are they based on what you feel is correct? Do you make the time periodically to test your beliefs to see if they are still valid? Or do you simply defend them no matter what circumstances are presented?

Read more:

Are Your Beliefs Truly Yours? | Relijournal

Are Your Beliefs Truly Yours? | Relijournal

Are Your Beliefs Truly Yours?

Do you know the origins and meanings of your beliefs? Are you easily moved by what others tell you is the truth? Do you buy into other people’s passion and agendas because you fear your beliefs are being challenged? You have the power to purge yourself of erroneous beliefs and discharge other’s attempts to control, dominate and manipulate your thoughts, emotions, words and behaviors by making the time to leave the chaos and slow down your world.

Read more:

Thursday, July 11, 2013 YOUR One-Stop-Shop for all your Marketing, Design, Multimedia and Computing needs! Products and Services available. Main page. YOUR One-Stop-Shop for all your Marketing, Design, Multimedia and Computing needs! Products and Services available. Main page.

Your Thoughts and Feelings by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Your Thoughts and Feelings by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Your Thoughts And Feelings by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Are you having difficulty in being who you know you are? Do you think in your mind almost every moment of your inner passion? Do you feel your juices running when you envision your dream in your mind and feel the joy of it in your heart?

The Spin Of The Truth by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

The Spin Of The Truth by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

The Spin Of The Truth by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Verbal spin is repeatedly used to gain supporters on both sides of the aisle. However, changing the facts to support your opinion is fostering a lie and fomenting an inaccurate perception among anyone who will listen to and believe outright B.S.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Welcome to Williams Wooden Floor Co. - Landing Page! 1.302.731.4953 - Wooden Floor Refinishing for quad-state intersection of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Welcome to Williams Wooden Floor Co. - Landing Page! 1.302.731.4953 - Wooden Floor Refinishing for quad-state intersection of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Welcome to Williams Wooden Floor Company - Landing Page! 1.302.731.4953 – Wooden Floor Refinishing for quad-state intersection of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Are You Flowing Divine Love? | Relijournal

Are You Flowing Divine Love? | Relijournal

Are You Flowing Divine Love?

What is Divine love? Is it something we have access to and can experience in our hearts? Or is it a construct of what we perceive as an idealistic state of what is “good”? Is it the Source of our creation or is it simply something we “choose” to believe in that isn’t real?

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Pursue Your Divine Desires | Socyberty

Pursue Your Divine Desires | Socyberty
Pursue Your Divine Desires

What is desire? Is it something that you should repress and reject? Or is it something you should embrace and manifest? Observe the way the universe works and follow its laws to arrive at a state of complete peace.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Your Thoughts And Feelings by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Are you having difficulty in being who you know you are? Do you think in your mind almost every moment of your inner passion? Do you feel your juices running when you envision your dream in your mind and feel the joy of it in your heart?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean


July 9th, 2013

July 8th, 2013

July 7th, 2013

July 6th, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Difference in Potential by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

A Difference in Potential by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog
A Difference in Potential by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

In electronics there are no such things as positive and negative; it is positive and less positive, which is a difference in potential. The so-called ‘opposite’ poles are in fact just a range of potential that is required to cause an ‘attraction’ or ‘repulsion’.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

It’s All In The Spin by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Have you ever felt like your back was against the wall? Did you feel that you were being attacked from all angles and that you couldn’t see a way out? Is this just what you were feeling or was it just your perception of reality?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Perpetual Chaos? | Relijournal

Perpetual Chaos? | Relijournal

Perpetual Chaos?

Is your life in a perpetual state of chaos? Do you have caustic relationships with most people due to your attitude and judgments toward them? Does it seem that situations, occurrences, events, circumstances and people are always impeding your progress? Are you frequently asking why are these experiences happening to you? Could it be that it’s your own tunnel vision that is causing the problem? Or is it genuinely others that are continually against your forward motion?

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The Wheel of Mediocrity | Relijournal

The Wheel of Mediocrity | Relijournal

The Wheel of Mediocrity

Are you searching for answers that you just can’t seem to find? Is your focus in the right place? Are you so caught up in mediocrity that you can’t see a way out of your current circumstances?

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Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Learning To Allow by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

This is an omniverse of multilevel causes and effects. Energies that are unseen affect things that are seen and vice versa. We are taught throughout our lives that we need to ‘earn’ respect. We need to behave in certain ways to demonstrate just how ‘righteous’ we are; it is the behaviors that express our supposed intent.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Authspot

Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Authspot
Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean

Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean have been moved to the Spirituality Guidance Channel. Please visit us there and select the dates that you have missed.

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Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Daily Quotes for the Fifth of July by Dr. Dean

The Shield
Evolving Forward

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Stacking The Deck? by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Is your ego stacking the deck in your favor? Do you repeatedly look to benefitting yourself at every turn in order to justify your existence? Are you allowing others to take advantage of those who don’t know any better or are oblivious to obvious manipulation of their opinions?

Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean

Daily Quotes by Dr. Dean have been moved to the Spirituality Guidance Channel. Please visit us there and select the dates that you have missed due to the server changes we have been experiencing with CMS.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
Where Is Your Focus? by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Where is your focus? Is it scattered upon doing things you perceive you must do in order to be whom and what you already are?

Do You Hear What I Hear? | Relijournal

Do You Hear What I Hear? | Relijournal

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Do you hear what I hear? Do you pay attention to what ‘impressions’ and ‘intuitions’ reveal to you? Are you aware enough of your inner being and your outer surroundings to demonstrate your understanding of life? Are you listening to what your heart is telling you about manifesting your Divine purpose in Divine order?

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Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness | Relijournal

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness | Relijournal

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness

What does the expression ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ really mean? Originally it came from Thomas Jefferson’s writings in the Declaration of Independence as follows: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". It was inspired by varied writings from Cumberland, Locke, Leibniz, Wollaston, Burlamaqui and Mason.

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Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Featured Video page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Featured Video page.

Sherri Columbus: A Whispering Angel by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

I would like to introduce you to my friend, Sherri Columbus, a.k.a. Angels Whisper. I came to know here on Facebook when she would repeatedly give animal totem readings to her online friends. I was quite impressed with her readings and the accuracy they relayed.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.
Daily Quotes for the Fourth of July by Dr. Dean

A Priceless Gift
Accepted From The Spirit
Alignment With The Omniverse

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
The Spirit Of The Law by Dean A. Banks, D.D.

Can you teach old dogs new tricks? I believe so. In a heated debate one has to take the mature step to extend the olive branch and the other needs to accept it. It might not be easy, but both people need to learn from the ‘word’ that the lessons of life are to be lived and not just debated.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Moving Once Again by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Moving Once Again by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty
Moving Again by Dean A. Banks, D.D

Again, I am moving my Blog posts and Daily Quotes to another location. Thank you for bearing with me as I am trying to offer you consistent and timely service.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Daily Quotes for the Third of July by Dr. Dean
Your Life Is A Divine Gift!

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
What Is Your Story?
Throughout our combined cultures the one thread of experience we all share is that we are storytellers. We talk of triumph over tragedy, victory over suffering or fulfillment over loss. We weave these stories to inspire ourselves and others to keep moving forward.

The Key to Living a Blessed Life | Relijournal

The Key to Living a Blessed Life | Relijournal

The Key to Living a Blessed Life

What is the key to living a blessed life? Is it to do, have and be what you feel you are in this world? Or is it to be at peace amid the surrounding chaos? Do we have a ‘right’ to do, have and be what we believe we are?

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Living The Dream | Socyberty

Living The Dream | Socyberty
Living The Dream

Let’s honor the man today who led the Civil Rights Movement of the 60’s. Read his words and feel his spirit. Open the channel to what the Divine is revealing to us every day. As his words echo in our spirit, always remember our collective duty to help each other.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Art of Living | Relijournal

The Art of Living | Relijournal

The Art of Living

Is there an ‘art’ to living a fulfilled life? Are there many steps that when concatenated produce similar results for different people? Is there an awareness of the process that affords us an edge on creating a fulfilled life? Or are we just convincing ourselves with elaborate concepts that are constructs of our experience and have no effect on manifesting our innermost dreams?

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What is My Truth? | Socyberty

What is My Truth? | Socyberty
We have all heard some people say, "It might not be your truth but it is my truth." If YOUR truth is based on something that is not shared with the experience and understanding of others then it should be held up to scrutiny and reduced to the simplest explanation.

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Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Daily Quotes page.
Daily Quotes by by Dr. Dean

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

All of my blog entries will be here from now on...

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.
The Way We Feel by Dean A. Banks, D.D.
How did you feel this morning when you woke up? Were you in pain? Were you restless from a sporadic sleep cycle? Or were you joyous and thankful that you woke up? How we feel every morning sets the tone for our day; in fact, the very tone of our lives. What is the ‘tone’ of our lives?

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The End of The World; Revisited? | Relijournal

The End of The World; Revisited? | Relijournal

The End of The World; Revisited?

Are we coming to the end of the world? Will our existence be wiped out this December 21, 2012? Will Christians soon be seeing an image of Jesus in the air coming to raise the dead? Will we cease to exist as the human race? Ask me these questions on December 22, 2012; or simply, read this article.

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What is Allowance? | Relijournal

What is Allowance? | Relijournal

What is Allowance?

Is allowance a state of being or is it a process of manifestation? How do we attain a state of allowance or use it as a means to fulfill our Divine purpose? Is allowance of Divine order truly a state of accepting ‘what is’ without attempting to change the outcomes we don’t believe we should be experiencing?

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Welcome to The Spirituality Guidance Channel! Presented by Dean A. Banks, D.D. - Blog Main page.

Rules Of Engagement by Dean A. Banks, D.D.
In a debate there are different ways to respond to the argument your opponent introduces. Do you follow the rules of Engagement or do you just emotionally respond and spout out your opinion regardless of its validity or not?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Desires of The Heart | Relijournal

Desires of The Heart | Relijournal

Desires of The Heart

What are our desires of the heart? Are they selfish and ‘me’ focused? Or are they focused on the well-being of others as well as ourselves? Do we truly have the power to manifest our desires in our hearts? Or do we simply keep struggling to prove that we are worthy of more than we truly are?

Be an Undercomer | Relijournal

Be an Undercomer | Relijournal

Be an Undercomer

Are you stressing out overcoming obstacles? Do feel that you must DO something in order for the best thing to happen? Do you perceive that if you don’t do something that nothing will ever happen?

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Daily Quotes for The Twenty-fourth of June by Dr. Dean | Socyberty

Daily Quotes for The Twenty-fourth of June by Dr. Dean | Socyberty
Greater Than

Daily Quotes for The Twenty-third of June by Dr. Dean | Socyberty

Daily Quotes for The Twenty-third of June by Dr. Dean | Socyberty
Knowing The Spirit
I am Blessed

What You Need to Know Before You Get a Website by Dean a. Banks, D.d., M.c.i.w.d | Webupon

What You Need to Know Before You Get a Website by Dean a. Banks, D.d., M.c.i.w.d | Webupon
An extensive treatise on what a potential customer needs to know before they hire a company or individual to design and market their website.

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The Smell of Fear | Healthmad

The Smell of Fear | Healthmad
Can we smell fear? Is fear just an emotional reaction or is it chemically based? Does it trigger our reptilian brain functions and warn us of impending disaster that is real? Or does it simply warn us of what ‘could’ happen?

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Are You Living From Within or Without? | Relijournal

Are You Living From Within or Without? | Relijournal
Are you living from within your spirit or are you living outside of yourself? Do you trust what you feel is right from within or do you depend on what you experience as true in your environment?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Be Ye Therefore Perfect | Relijournal

Be Ye Therefore Perfect | Relijournal
"For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." ~Yeshua (Matthew 25-34).

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Asking The Right Questions | Quazen

Asking The Right Questions | Quazen
Are you asking the right questions? Are you seeking the truth or are you simply accepting what others tell you is the truth? Are you serious enough about your life to challenge your accepted beliefs and become One with the Spirit of God?

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Be Original! by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Musicouch

Be Original! by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Musicouch

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Daily Quotes for the Twenty-Second of June by Dr. Dean | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes for the Twenty-Second of June by Dr. Dean | Spiritualityguidance Blog
Daily Quotes for the Twenty-Second of June by Dr. Dean
The Ego Deceives
Love Is The Balancing Force


Friday, June 21, 2013

Ego Fulfillment by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty

Ego Fulfillment by Dean a. Banks, D.d | Socyberty
After the resurgence of sane and mature purpose as revealed by Bill Clinton last year, I feel compelled to address the insanity and complete ego of someone who daily barrages the airwaves with his brand of total and complete ego-fulfillment; Alex Jones.

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Daily Quotes for the Twenty-First of June by Dr. Dean | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes for the Twenty-First of June by Dr. Dean | Spiritualityguidance Blog
Daily Quotes for the Twenty-First of June by Dr. Dean
Divine Truth
You Are NOT Your Feelings

Open To The Truth

Walking Home in The Rain | Socyberty

Walking Home in The Rain | Socyberty
Dedicated to the memory of Trayvon Martin:

I Am | Relijournal

I Am | Relijournal
I am all that there is when I experience life from God’s perspective.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Invite Others | CashMyStudio

Invite Others | CashMyStudio

A Difference in Potential by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

A Difference in Potential by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog
In electronics there are no such things as positive and negative; it is positive and less positive, which is a difference in potential. The so-called ‘opposite’ poles are in fact just a range of potential that is required to cause an ‘attraction’ or ‘repulsion’.

Perceiving Predators by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Perceiving Predators by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog
All life, in essence, is chemically based and exists through ongoing chemical exchanges. Yes, we are ‘different’ from the plant community but we ‘react’ to what we perceive as threatening much in the same manner.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Daily Quotes for the Twentieth of June by Dr. Dean | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes for the Twentieth of June by Dr. Dean | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes for the Twentieth of June by Dr. Dean | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes for the Twentieth of June by Dr. Dean | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes for The Nineteenth of June by Dr. Dean | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes for The Nineteenth of June by Dr. Dean | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Daily Quotes for the Nineteenth of June by Dr. Dean
Catch Up Mode
Equal Opportunity
Law And Order?

Getting on The Same Page | Relijournal

Getting on The Same Page | Relijournal
Maintaining effective interaction with your environment requires an inner sense of order and balance that only comes from aligning yourself with Divine order. How do we do this? By maintaining ongoing periods of divine communication that is attained through deep and daily meditation. After all, we are children of the Most High and we have the ability to live in communion with God when we get out of our own way and get on the same page with the Divine.

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Are You Fooling Yourself? | Relijournal

Are You Fooling Yourself? | Relijournal

Changing Of The Guard by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Changing Of The Guard by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog
We are so blessed to be alive in this time. We are watching the old school fight its way trying to maintain its survival. Every day their arms are getting more and more tired from treading water.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Is It From God Or Your Ego? by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Is It From God Or Your Ego? by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog
This is proof the State of Delaware Chancery Court is corrupt. We presented witnesses to corroborate what happened and told the truth, yet the Judge listened to the lies of the Plaintiff and her counsel and ruled against us. Our 6th Amendment rights were violated and a competency hearing on the Plaintiff was NEVER conducted. We are now being painted out to be liars, abusers and thieves all over the Internet of which we are NOT. We are in appeal to the Supreme Court and we will keep going as high as we can to prove our veracity. The true criminals here have been operating with impunity for over 30 years; namely, in our opinion, David J. Durham of Durham Loyal and Frederick Drummond of Destiny Church of Ft. Lauderdale, FL. ~Dean A. Banks, D.D.

What Came First, The Chicken or The Egg? | Relijournal

What Came First, The Chicken or The Egg? | Relijournal

Profanity | Relijournal

Profanity | Relijournal

The Laws Of Action and Reaction by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

The Laws Of Action and Reaction by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

The Laws Of Action and Reaction by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

The Laws Of Action and Reaction by Dean A. Banks, D.D. | Spiritualityguidance Blog

Friday, June 14, 2013

Dr. Frederick Drummond - the official story on the life and ministry of Frederick Drummond of Destiny Ministries

Dr. Frederick Drummond - the official story on the life and ministry of Frederick Drummond of Destiny Ministries

Stop the evil of Frederick Drummond and his legion of devils!
Welcome to Durham Loyal Ripoffs! Dedicated to stopping fraud against the elderly.
David J. Durham, Rick Price, Carl Durham, Frederick Drummond, Church of Our Savior, Concordville, PA., Ft. Lauderdale, FL., experiencedesitny, Destiny Ministries.

Experience Destiny - Destiny Ministries Intl. Church & Dr. Frederick Drummond, Sr.

Experience Destiny - Destiny Ministries Intl. Church & Dr. Frederick Drummond, Sr.

Stop the evil of Frederick Drummond and his legion of devils!
Welcome to Durham Loyal Ripoffs! Dedicated to stopping fraud against the elderly.
David J. Durham, Rick Price, Carl Durham, Frederick Drummond, Church of Our Savior, Concordville, PA., Ft. Lauderdale, FL., experiencedesitny, Destiny Ministries.

Experience Destiny - Destiny Ministries Intl. Church & Dr. Frederick Drummond, Sr.

Experience Destiny - Destiny Ministries Intl. Church & Dr. Frederick Drummond, Sr.

Frederick Drummond and the Collapse of Church of our Saviour - Concordville Pa

Frederick Drummond and the Collapse of Church of our Saviour - Concordville Pa

Free the lost souls of Drummond

Free the lost souls of Drummond